MediaOne Quoted In Channel News Asia Article

channel news asia article featuring mediaone stats

MediaOne’s article on Digital Marketing Statistics for Singapore was used in Channel News Asia article on “How all those Zoom meetings and Netflix binges are actually making you look older” dated 28 April 2020.

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For full article, read here:

The article talks about how many people are using gadgets every day and due to the Circuit Breaker, Singaporeans are spending an inordinate amount of time on Zoom, Netflix and other apps. The screen emits blue light which can be damaging to our skins. In the article some creams and screen filters were mooted to counter this effect.


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About the Author

Tom Koh

Tom is the CEO and Principal Consultant of MediaOne, a leading digital marketing agency. He has consulted for MNCs like Canon, Maybank, Capitaland, SingTel, ST Engineering, WWF, Cambridge University, as well as Government organisations like Enterprise Singapore, Ministry of Law, National Galleries, NTUC, e2i, SingHealth. His articles are published and referenced in CNA, Straits Times, MoneyFM, Financial Times, Yahoo! Finance, Hubspot, Zendesk, CIO Advisor.


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