The Ultimate Guide To The Best Digital Marketing Tools In 2024

The Ultimate Guide To The Best Digital Marketing Tools

Are you a new digital marketer? Or even a seasoned one, but wants to keep up with the latest digital marketing tools? Collated in this ultimate guide are all the digital marketing tools you will ever need in 2024. This guide is segmented into different digital marketing branches. Click on each chapter for easy navigation, and after each tool category, you can easily find a comparative matrix of each tool to help you in deciding which one fits your needs.

Market Research Tools

All good digital marketing campaigns start with solid research. It tells a brand all about its target market, their purchasing preferences and behaviors, their media touchpoints, and other information that would help the effectiveness of the campaign. 

Below is a list of the top digital marketing research tools:

1. Google Trends

Digital Marketing Tools - Google Trends

It is a tool that enables you to see the latest visualization, data, and trends from Google and understand what is new near you at the time.

It is fast and easy to use. You type the keyword of interest and search by clicking “Enter.” Other words can also be added for comparing data. Additionally, Google Trends allows you to filter your search regarding time, country, category, and type of search.

So, if you wish to start your business, create a new campaign, conduct research on competitors, or are curious about a word, Google Trends is an easy tool to use.

2. Google Keyword Planner 

Digital Marketing Tools - Google Keyword Planner 

Google Keyword Planner is a feature in Google Ads that somewhat works like Google Trends, but it provides you with actual numbers to work with.

It enables you to choose the country and language you want. Also, it allows you to select one or more keywords and see the times your word has been searched. You can see the state of competition and the recommended bid for your keyword.

The best thing about the tool is that it enables you to export data. I recommend you to check out the Google Keyword tool and find out whether it satisfies your needs.

3. Ahrefs

Digital Marketing Tools - Ahrefs

Ahrefs is one of the finest SEM and SEO tools on the Singapore market today. The site enables you to learn almost everything about your competitors. It allows you to know where the competitors get traffic, their Google search specific keywords rankings, their number of backlinks, and the exact people who link to their websites.

For example, you can set the tool to alert you when a particular keyword gets mentioned anywhere on the web. You can also find out content that is shared most on the internet through their Content Explorer feature.

Another great feature in Ahrefs digital marketing tool is the Keyword Explorer 2.0. It has a vast keyword database where you can research keywords in 170 nations. It displays the exact search volume data, that is, the number of searches with clicks and number of searches without clicks.

The other exciting thing about the Ahrefs keyword tool is that it shows the complexity of keywords in other words. Also, it has a detailed graph for keyword ranking that you can use to make a digital marketing strategy.

Ahrefs Marketing Tool is perfect for those of you who make decisions based on data.

4. Serpstat

Digital Marketing Tools - Serpstat

Serpstat is a remarkable keyword tool and is similar to Ahrefs. This tool is mainly used for data comparison since it has more accurate data for some countries than other tools. The tool was recently redesigned. Thus it now has a lot of amazing features. You can track the backlinks and keywords of your competitors using the tool. The tool is straightforward to use, and you should try it out.

5. SimilarWeb

Digital Marketing Tools - SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb is the best tool to use in benchmarking your website against your competitors. It provides you with information on the expected traffic of a site, the sources of the traffic, the top visitor countries, and the specific keywords that get ranked by the websites.

6. Buzzsumo

Digital Marketing Tools - Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo is a digital marketing tool used for discovering content in Singapore. It analyzes certain competitors or topics that you assign it and discloses the material that serves you best.

If you want to view the best posts on specific topics, you type it, and the tool provides answers for you. You can even contact the persons who shared the content on twitter if interested. This digital marketing tool has a Question Analyzer where you can find the most popular questions asked about your products and you can provide answers. You can also use it to conduct market research.

To help you decide which market research tool fits you, here is a matrix comparing the mentioned tools. Information listed below are aggregated from the reviews in Trustradius.  

Market Research Tools Features/Strengths Weaknesses Price Score
Google 트렌드
  • Provides Keyword Trends (Seasonal, Historical, Geographical, Emerging), And Other Real-Time Data
  • Shows Real-Time Public Interest
  • Compares Search Results According To Queries
  • Source: Evereffect
  • Provides Data Without Context
  • Does Not Tell Why The Keyword Is Trending
  • May Provide Insufficient Data To Niche Topics
  • 무료
  • 8.0 / 10
Google Keywords Planner (Under Google Ads)
  • Provides Relevant Keywords
  • Provides Estimates For Search Volumes & Cost Of Targeting
  • User Can Narrow Down The Queries To Get Specific Keywords And Filter The Most Useful For The Campaign
  • Can Provide Info About Niche Topics
  • Source: Backlinko
  • Has Limited Keyword Volume Data
  • Lacks Of Negative Keyword Options
  • Not Able To Group Keywords
  • Low Quality Of Search Volume Data
  • Difficulty Estimating Cost Of Ads
  • Incomplete Competitive Landscape Analysis
  • Souce: Jemsu
  • 무료
  • 9.0 / 10
  • SEO And Website Audit
  • Keyword And Topic Research
  • 백링크 분석
  • Competitor Analysis And Research
  • Serp History
  • Content Analysis
  • Source: Trustradius
  • Needs Improvement In Data Visualization And Data Generation
  • Price Point, No Free Trial
  • Needs More Granular Data
  • Requires Learning Curve To Navigate The Tool
  • Source: Trustradius
  • Usd 99 – 999
  • 8.9 / 10
  • Competitor Intelligence
  • Content Marketing Research
  • SEO Management Tools
  • Provides Info About The Industry And The Market Leaders’ Best Practices 
  • Competition’s Ad Campaigns Analysis
  • Ai Content Creation And Analysis
  • Needs Learning Curve To Use
  • Some Audit Points Are Deemed Too Technical
  • Offsite Seo
  • Link Index
  • Has Daily Query Limit, Depending On The Availed Package
  • Free Trial, 
  • Usd 59 – 479
  • 9.3 / 10
  • Real-Time Traffic Insights
  • 경쟁사 분석
  • Content Research
  • Trend Analysis / Market Intelligence
  • Audience Demographics
  • Geographical Website Rankings
  • Provides Information For Potential Partnership Opportunities
  • Can Be Pricey For Starting Businesses
  • Limited Info About Websites With Small Traffic
  • Mobile Experience Needs Improvement
  • Free Trial,
  • Starts At Usd 125 To Custom Price, Depending On The Number Of Users
  • 8.2 /10


  • 경쟁사 분석
  • Social Media Monitoring Tools
  • Content Analysis
  • Influencer Marketing Intelligence
  • Price Point
  • There Is A Learning Curve To Navigate
  • Usd 199 – 999
  • 8.6 / 10

Advertising Platforms

Advertising is the fastest and easiest method to share messages with a large number of audiences. Ad networks have become smarter today, and there are very many ways through which you can target your message to the right people.

Below is a list of the best Ad networks and how they work:

1. Meta/Facebook Ads (Meta Business Suite)

Digital Marketing Tools - Meta/Facebook Ads (Meta Business Suite)

Facebook is the leading Social Network in the world. It is estimated to have 25.5 billion visits every month, 16 minutes and 5 seconds session duration, and 14.36 scrolls each visit on average.

Meta/Facebook Ads is one of the most powerful networks for advertising because of its ability to collect data and the numbers above. So, if you are not using it for digital marketing campaigns, you should learn how to use it immediately and start.

You can place several types of ads on Facebook depending on where the targeted users are on your digital marketing funnel.

Types of Ads

  • Increase brand awareness: This ad type is used to reach as many individuals as you want to inform them about your brand.
  • Reach: It means optimization in that you get the maximum extent of exposure for your funds.
  • Consideration Traffic: It is the most common ad type for Facebook marketers, and it sends traffic to your website by default when targeted people click on your ad.
  • Engagement:  It is used to optimize the number of commitments you get on your ad or post depending on the amount paid.
  • App installs: This is the type of ad that you should place to drive users to install your app.
  • Get Video Views: You can post a video on Facebook advertising your products. It can help you create your audience depending on how individuals engage with your videos.
  • Collect leads for a business: You can directly collect a lead on Facebook without the user exiting using this type of Ad.
  • Messages: This ad type inspires people to send messages to your enterprise, and it has proven to be profitable to many advertisers.
  • Conversion: This ad is used to raise conversion on your website, especially sales. You can create a profile of the perfect buyers based on their events on your site, and the pattern can be utilized to develop lists of people who are similar to the ideal buyers.
  • Promote product catalog: This ad type is for individuals owing big businesses. These ads are the most advantageous to marketers regarding profit since they show the user the exact products they are looking for. You can display to the user that certain products are discounted at particular times, and most probably they buy them.
  • Pixel is the best feature of Facebook ads. It is a piece of code that is used for tracking what users are doing on your website. Therefore, you can be able to create personalized ads for them.

2. Google Ads

Digital Marketing Tools - Google Ads

Google Ads is among the most complex and used ad platforms ever. If you are a marketer, you certainly need to know how it works. It features extensive capabilities and requires quite a lot of time to understand all the things it can help you with.

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This tool is very significant because you can utilize several channels that are connected to google through Tap and Adsense in Google Search. And there is nothing better than Google Search. Conversion rates increase when a user comes across an ad about what they are looking for.

You can advertise on websites that use Google Adsense using Google Ads using different ways listed below.

  • Keywords: You can target apps or websites with matching specific keywords you want or having them in their content.
  • Topics: You can target websites that deal with specific issues of interest.
  • Interests and Remarketing: Here you target people based on their interests. There are some options to choose from which are:
  1. Affinity audiences: large numbers of people, get targeted by their long-term benefits.
  2. In-market audiences: targets individuals conducting comparison and searches for products similar to yours.
  3. Remarketing: reaches people who have interacted with your app or website.

Ads also automatically creates a list of people with similar intentions and profiles as those in remarketing lists so you can get more new clients.

  1. Placements: this is used for targeting people who visit certain websites.
  2. Demographics: the demographic profile of people is used to reach individuals.

This, of course, is just a fraction of what Ads can do. Therefore it is essential for you as a modern marketer to learn more about how it works.

3. Microsoft/Bing Ads

Digital Marketing Tools - Microsoft/Bing Ads

This tool functions similarly to Google Ads, but of course applied to Microsoft products like Bing and Copilot. It is considered underutilized because Google is usually used especially in search. However, Microsoft ads is another good tool to widen a brand’s reach. 

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4. Apple Search Ads

Digital Marketing Tools - Apple Search Ads

Like Google Ads and Microsoft Ads, this is an ad tool exclusive to Apple products such as the App Store. According to its website, it “helps people discover your app on the App Store, matching customers with your app at the right moments.” You only need to type the keywords for which you want your ad to appear and set your budget, and that’s all.

Below is a comparative matrix with aggregated information from Trustradius:

Advertising Platforms  Features/Strengths Weaknesses Price Score
Meta Business Suite
  • Multi-Social Network Ad Manager
  • Audience Builder
  • Ad Builder
  • Insights And Ad Report Generator
  • Frequent Updates That Users Are Having A Hard Time To Keep Up
  • Ui Needs Improvement
  • 무료
  • 7.3 / 10
Google Ads
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Ad Manager
  • 오디언스 타겟팅
  • Keyword Targeting
  • Google Analytic Integration
  • Lead Generation
  • Customer Service Needs Improvement
  • Needs Automation In Ad Monitoring
  • Can Suggest Costly Campaign Ads
  • 무료 
Microsoft/Bing Ads
  • Ad Manager For Microsft, Includes Native  And Retail Media Advertising
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Performance Monitoring And Analysis
  • With Ai Assistance
  • Audience Network May Be Inferior Than Competitor
  • Keyword Searching Needs Improvement
  • Customer Service Needs Improvement
  • Analysis Import And Export Needs Improvement
  • Overall UI Needs Improvement In Terms Of Appeal And Ease Of Use
  • 무료
  • 3.9 / 10
Apple Search Ads
  • Ad Campaign Manager For Apple
  • Engaged User Base
  • Easy To Use
  • Harmonious With The Apple Ecosystem
  • Relatively Slow Platform
  • Reports And Analysis Generation Need Improvement
  • Needs Learning Curve To Use
  • 무료
  • 8 /10

Analytics and Report Tools

Peter Drucker, a famous management educator and author, once said, “You cannot improve what you don’t measure.” Therefore, it is important for marketers to observe, measure, and analyze their campaigns to improve their performance. This leads to early spotting of the campaigns’ effectiveness and weaknesses, so the team can pivot their strategy accordingly. Below are some of the best tools for analysis. 

1. Google Marketing Platform

Digital Marketing Tools - Google Marketing Platform

웹사이트 디자인 배너

Google Marketing Platform is formerly known as the Google 360 Analytics. It consolidates all the tools a digital marketer mostly needs, especially analyzing and creating campaign reports. This is the new best friend of growth hackers.

The tool allows you to track everything about users of your website, even the resolution of the screen they are using. You can also generate all sorts of reports and therefore learn more about your service users.

You can use the Google Optimize platform with Google Analytics to undertake A/B testing and make the best decision based on the data generated.

This tool is useful and potent, however, it requires quite a bit of a learning curve. A new digital marketer can get used to this so long as it is studied well and used frequently.

2. Meta Business Suite

Digital Marketing Tools - Meta Business Suite

Along with the announcement that Facebook is now under the mother company umbrella of Meta, Facebook Analytics has also gone under the Meta Business Suite. Name changed, yet they almost function similarly, and with a number of additional features.

According to Meta, “Meta Business Suite lets small businesses and creators manage all of their connected accounts across Facebook and Instagram in one place. It offers a variety of tools that makes it easier to manage your online presence for free.” It aims to ease creating and managing ads in multiple platforms under Meta. 

The platform allows the user to create ads based on their digital marketing goal, customize target audience, and most importantly, analyze the campaign’s performance and generate reports.  

3. Looker Studio (Formerly known as Google Data Studio)

This tool converts your data into reports and information dashboards that are easy to read, share, and customize. This allows you to offer extensive data to promote better decisions.

Reporting and analyzing data faces a challenge of bringing data together, and Google Data Studio makes the process simpler by providing the needed data connectors.

Digital Marketing Tools - Looker Studio (Formerly known as Google Data Studio)

Image from Google for Developers

4. Woopra

Digital Marketing Tools - Woopra

Image from: Woopra

Woopra is an e-commerce analytics tool. It’s designed to look into the problems people encounter while managing their e-commerce sites – cart abandonment, for example.

Woopra will analyze the overall experience your clients get when interacting with your site and prepare a detailed report on some of the possible reasons some of them drop off before completing a purchase. 

5. Amplitude

Digital Marketing Tools - Amplitude

Amplitude offers to help you understand user behavior so you can use that information to grow your product.

It’s a great tool for turning your users into a valuable source of information on how to build better products. 

With this tool, you’ll get to understand: 

  • The actions defining different groups of users
  • Where a majority of your users drop off or convert the most
  • Who uses a particular product and how often?
  • How to grow your retention by identifying the products, feature, and action that correlate with repeat purchases and higher retention rates

6. Adobe Analytics 

Digital Marketing Tools - Adobe Analytics

Formerly Omniture, Adobe Analytics is one of the most advanced analytics you’ll ever come across online. 

Using machine learning, AI, and other advanced technology, the tool goes beyond analyzing page views, visits, and bounce rates to providing you with customer insights that you can use to improve your site’s user experience and conversion rate. 

7. Clevertap

Digital Marketing Tools - Clevertap

Why does an average app lose 90% of its daily active users? Clevertrap has the answer to this question.

And what if we told you they have a simple solution on how to win them back? With their push notifications, you can even reach users that aren’t in your app.  Looking to drive better engagement, retention, and conversion, then look no further than Clevertrap. 

Here is a comparative matrix with aggregated information from Trustradius:

Analytics and Report Tools Features/Strengths Weaknesses 가격 책정 Score
Google Marketing Platform
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring And Analysis/Performance Metrics
  • 데이터 시각화
  • Hub To Google Products
  • User-Friendly UI
  • Generates Comprehensive Reports
  • Has Audience Targeting
  • 스마트 입찰
  • Need Learning Curve To Navigate The Platform
  • Starts At $10,000
  • 8.8 / 10
Meta Business Suite
  • Centralizes Brands’ Marketing And Advertising Efforts Across Meta Products.
  • Has Audience Building
  • Intuitive Ad Builder
  • Insights And Ad Report Generator
  • Frequent Updates That Users Are Having A Hard Time To Keep Up
  • UI Needs Improvement
  • 무료
  • 7.3 / 10
Looker Studio
  • Provides Business Intelligence
  • Supports Various Data Sources
  • Data Discovery And Visualization
  • Report Generation
  • Mobile Accessible
  • Price Point
  • Customer Support Needs Improvement
  • Loading Time Tends To Be Slow Depending On The Data
  • Needs Documentation About Tool Usage
  • Needs Learning Curve To Learn About The Tool
  • Varies
  • 8.3 / 10
  • Profiles Customers
  • Allow Behavioral Segmentation
  • Provides Customer Journey Analytics
  • Provides Trends And Retention Analytics
  • Has Triggers And Real-Time Automation
  • Needs Usage Documentation To Help New Users Navigating Through The Platform
  • Price Point
  • Needs More Integration With Third Party Tools
  • Free Trial To Usd 999
  • 7.9 / 10
  • Available Both On Web And Mobile
  • Segments Users
  • Analyze Funnels
  • Generates Reports About Retention And Revenue
  • Reports Customer Journey Analytics
  • Visualizes Data
Query Building Needs Improvement

Dashboard Customization Needs To Be More Flexible

Needs Learning Curve To Navigate The Tool


Starts At Usd 49 To Customized Price According To The Availed Plan

8.2 / 10
Adobe Analytics
  • Provides Web Analytics, Marketing Analytics, And Attribution
  • Has Predictive Analytics
  • Provides Comprehensive Insights
  • Allow Limitless Segmentation
  • Integrates With Other Third Party Tools
  • Has Quick Visualizations
  • Segmentation, Visualization, And Reporting Are Flexible
  • Price Point
  • Lacks AI Functionality
  • Needs Learning Curve To Navigate Through The Platform
  • Limitations On Export Formats
  • Varies
  • 8.2 / 10
  • Focuses On Mobile Marketing
  • Has Advanced Behavioral Segmentation
  • Reports Customer Journey
  • Visualizes Data
  • Finds The Optimal Path To Conversion
  • Creates User Profiles
  • Sends Push Notifications, In-App Notifications, Sms, Email Depending On The Campaign
  • Customer Service Needs Improvement
  • Price Point
  • UI Needs Improvement
  • Loading Time Slows Depending On The Chunk Of Data
  • Flexibility On Visualization And Data Manipulation
  • Needs Learning Curve To Use
  • Starts At Usd 75
  • 7.8 / 10

Social Media Marketing Tools

The most popular branch of digital marketing is social media marketing (SMM).

According to Buffer, it “is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, drive website traffic, and more.” SMM can be considered one of the most personal kinds of digital marketing ever invented, for it customizes ad and content based on user’s preferences through their own posts and interactions on social networking sites. 

Here are some tools to effectively leverage social media for your brand:

1. Loomly

Digital Marketing Tools - Loomly

Loomly is a great app for managing your social media account. It generates ideas for your social media posts. It can also suggest trends, hashtags, and events so you can never run out of post ideas and topics. The app works with almost all the major social media accounts, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. 

2. HootSuite

Digital Marketing Tools - HootSuite

What about a tool that helps you schedule your social media posts?

A tool such as Hootsuite, which lets you schedule your social media posts in advance so your brand can interact with consumers any time of the day without requiring your physical intervention. 

3. Sendible 

Digital Marketing Tools - Sendible

Sendible does an incredible job of helping you streamline your social media channels. It’s an excellent tool for planning and scheduling your social media posts. 

The tool works with almost every social media platform out there. It’s also one of the tools you wouldn’t want to miss in your digital marketing pellet if you’re a social media marketer managing multiple clients. 

4. Buffer

Digital Marketing Tools - Buffer

Imagine being able to manage all your social media accounts from a single place. Boasting a simple interface and intuitive set-up, the tool has plenty of advanced features to help you out with many of the social media marketing jobs you’ll be doing.

First, you’ll be provided with a full-suite social media management solution that you can use to create, plan, and schedule your posts. You can also use their smart analytics to track your post performance and engage your followers via social media inbox. 

Below is a comparative matrix with aggregated information from Trustradius:

SocMed Marketing Tools Features/Strengths Weaknesses Price Score
  • Content publishing (planning, scheduling, optimization)
  • Audience engagement tracking
  • Content marketing (ad campaigns, paid media)
  • Multi-channel integration
  • Reporting generation and analysis
  • Ease of content duplication on different platforms need improvement
  • Ease of editing on multiple accounts at the same time needs improvement
  • USD 32 – 277
  • 9 / 10
  • Content manager
  • Keyword search
  • Audience targeting
  • Content marketing (paid ads, campaigns)
  • 리드 생성
  • Omni-channel integration
  • Price point
  • LinkedIn tagging
  • Platform navigation needs improvement
  • Tiktok management needs improvement
  • Manipulation of data in reports and analytics need improvement or flexibility
  • Free trial
  • Starts at USD 99 to custom depending on number of users and social accounts
  • 8.3 /10
  • Content manager (publisher, planner, optimizer)
  • Report and analysis generation
  • Engagement manager
  • Workflow management
  • Mobile app version needs improvement
  • Instagram analytic tool needs to generate comprehensive reports
  • Limitation on hashtag and location tagging on Tiktok
  • 14-day trial
  • Plans start at USD 29 up to 750
  • 9.2 /10
  • Content publishing and management
  • Reports generation and analytics
  • Workflow management
  • Multi-channel integration
  • Specialized posts not supported (i.e: stories & carousel)
  • Pricey for startups
  • Analytics are basic
  • Limited number of social networks to integrate
  • Limitations on tagging
  • Free plan to USD 100
  • 8.4 / 10

Instant Message Marketing

Many experts term this as the future of digital marketing. According to Adogy, this is a marketing strategy that uses instant messaging apps like SMS, Messenger, Viber, WeChat, Line, WhatsApp to interact with consumers directly and at realtime. Below is a list of the Instant Message Marketing tools that can be useful to your brand.

1. ManyChat

Digital Marketing Tools - ManyChat

Every day, a lot of chatbot builders come out. Chat Bots are programs created to mimic conversations with humans using artificial intelligence. ManyChat enables you to create a bot for support, sales, and digital marketing on Facebook Messenger. It is free and easy to use.

The best thing about Manychat is automation. It has instant messages that are much better for retention and engagement of customers. If you have not tried out messaging automation from Manychat, do so as soon as possible.

2. Pushengage

Digital Marketing Tools - Pushengage

It is a browser notification service that provides the user with messages from your website. The user can get the messages even when they have not opened your site on their browser.

This tool is an excellent channel for digital marketing because you can re-engage your visitors without their contact details. Of course, individuals must opt-in to receive these messages.

3. Leanplum

Digital Marketing Tools - Leanplum

Leanplum helps marketers monitor their customers on every point and create campaigns that are driven by behavior at the individual level through multiple channels. It helps build strong customer relationships because it enables end to end user experience.

Marketers get guidance and feedback immediately at every step during the creation of digital marketing campaigns, from identification of the right size of the audience to selection of the right channel. The tool helps marketers to understand the impacts of their attacks in future and optimize them for maximum engagement.

Below is a comparative matrix with aggregated information from Trustradius:

Instant Message Tools Features/Strengths Weaknesses 가격 책정 Score
  • Messenger marketing (SMS, Email)
  • Collection of email and phone number
  • 24/7 customer support to brand’s customer
  • Automated conversations
  • Has communication Sequences
  • Has A/B testers
  • Absence of automation fail notification
  • Documentation needs improvement
  • Customer support for users needs improvement
  • Free to customized price
  • 7.8 / 10
  • Personalized web and mobile push notifications
  • Auto-response
  • User segmentation
  • Notification time needs improvement
  • Platform UI needs improvement for ease of use
  • Free to USD 39
  • 8.0 / 10
  • Mobile transactional and digital marketing push notifications
  • Allows A/B experimentation
  • Ease of data integration
  • Flexible segmentation
  • Has analyses on customer interaction
  • Has campaign history (knowing the depth of customer interaction)
  • Powerful metadata tracking 
  • Price point
  • UI sometimes is slow
  • Needs learning curve to navigate through the platform
  • Needs more granularity
  • Free trial
  • 8.2 / 10

Email Marketing Tools

Believe it or not, people still read emails, and this is one of the most effective digital marketing tools. According to Sleekflow, 72% of Singaporean companies used email marketing in 2019, having 20% open rate.

Furthermore, email marketing is also one of the strategies that generates whooping ROIs. According to Luisa Zhou, “Email generates $42 for every $1 spent.” Hence, brands are expected to utilize this strategy for the foreseeable future. Here are some of the tools that can ease your email marketing efforts.

1. MailChimp

Digital Marketing Tools - MailChimp

MailChimp is a top-rated email marketing solution. It has both free and paid versions, with prices adjusted to match all business sizes. 

Among the things MailChimp does is automating the emails you send to your subscribers. Beyond that, they have one of the most advanced email analytics systems that you can use to improve your campaign for even better email marketing results. 

2. Benchmark Email

Digital Marketing Tools - Benchmark Email

Benchmark is one of MailChimp’s closest rivals. It’s a full-suite email marketing software featuring a built-in mail builder that can also be used on other platforms. 

They also feature advanced automation tools to help you get the most out of your sales funnel. For example, they have a cart-abandonment automation feature that you can use to target the customers that add items to their cart and exit your e-commerce store without making a purchase. 

3. Emma 

Digital Marketing Tools - Emma 

Emma offers to not only help you reach more customers but also offer them a one-of-a-kind customer experience. 

It comes with a long list of tools to help you create and test your email marketing campaigns. You can also use it to better understand your customers’ behaviours. 

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Suffice it to say the tool comes with an endless list of features to experiment with.  

4. Marketo Engage

Digital Marketing Tools - Marketo Engage

Marketo is an all-rounded email marketing tool that promises to stand with you all through your email marketing campaign – from customer acquisition to brand advocacy. 

It’s an excellent choice of email marketing software for engaging prospective customers, in addition to coming with the following list of features:

  • Channel integration
  • Personalized email building tools that let you learn as you build your email marketing campaign
  • Resources for building better buyer’s journeys

Below is a comparative matrix with aggregated information from Trustradius:

Analytics and Report Tools Features/Strengths Weaknesses 가격 책정 Score
  • Email creator and editor (easy to use, drag and drop)
  • Allows A/B testing
  • Generates report on email delivery performance
  • Emailing list management
  • Email content planning and scheduling
  • Provides email automations
  • Visualizes data
  • Allows integration with third-party apps and tools
  • With SMS marketing
  • List management needs improvement
  • Functions, features, and workflow can be streamlined
  • Price point
  • Limitations on the available email template designs
  • Free to SGD 481.03
  • 7.9 / 10
Benchmark Email
  • Email creator and editor
  • Allows A/B testing
  • Email list management
  • Visualizes data through dashboards
  • Generates reports
  • Provides analytics
  • Price point
  • List management needs improvement
  • Customer support needs improvement
  • Difficulty in scheduling emails
  • Basic email automations
  • 무료
  • Starts at USD 13 to customized price according to plan
  • 6.4 / 10
  • Email creator and editor
  • Allows A/B testing
  • Email list management
  • Visualizes data through dashboards
  • Generates reports
  • Price point
  • Email distribution/ delivery may have delays depending on the bulk of emails
  • Needs more widget option
  • Customer service needs improvement
  • Starts at USD 99 to 249
  • 8.7 / 10
Marketo Engage
  • Email creator and editor
  • Content planning and scheduling
  • Allows A/B testing
  • Email list management
  • Visualizes data through dashboards
  • Generates reports
  • Provides analytics
  • Provides sequences
  • With lead management features
  • With social media marketing features
  • UI needs improvement
  • Email and landing page customization can be more flexible
  • Should have granular data
  • Reporting can be better
  • Needs learning curve to navigate the tool
  • Customer service needs improvement
  • Varies
  • 8.1 / 10

The Rise of Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing continues to evolve as the years pass. Innovators will undoubtedly discover gaps in the market and create new tools to aid digital marketers. Despite the abundance of new tools, marketers should carefully choose the ones that best fit their digital marketing needs and help streamline or automate their processes.

Ultimately, leverage these tools to your advantage and spend the rest of your time and effort devising creative strategies to improve your brand.

함께 읽기
The Power of Social ORM in Digital Marketing

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톰 코 서 전문가 싱가포르

Tom Koh

Tom은 선도적인 디지털 마케팅 에이전시인 MediaOne의 CEO 겸 수석 컨설턴트입니다. 캐논, 메이뱅크, 캐피털랜드, 싱텔, ST 엔지니어링, WWF, 캠브리지 대학교와 같은 대기업과 엔터프라이즈 싱가포르, 법무부, 국립갤러리, NTUC, e2i, 싱헬스 같은 정부 기관에 컨설팅을 제공했습니다. 그의 글은 CNA, Straits Times, MoneyFM, 파이낸셜 타임즈, 야후 파이낸스, 허브스팟, 젠데스크, CIO 어드바이저에 게재되어 참조되고 있습니다.

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