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Navigate the MOH Ad Guidelines for Clinics

Clinics face the challenge of promoting their medical services while adhering to the MOH ad guidelines for medical clinics here.

If you are looking for a clear breakdown of these advertisement regulations, this article offers direct insight into the specific advertising rules for medical clinics in Singapore.

Discover how to achieve compliance with medical professional advertisement regulations and avoid potential sanctions without compromising on effective communication with your healthcare, your institution itself and your patients.

Hal-hal Penting yang Dapat Dipetik

  • The MOH Ad Guidelines ensure that healthcare marketing practices in Singapore maintain high standards of healthcare services and patient safety by preventing misleading information and prohibiting promotional tactics that create false expectations.
  • All healthcare industry players in Singapore must comply with the MOH Ad guidelines, which prescribe content requirements, approved advertising platforms, and appropriate ways to display accreditations and awards in advertisements.
  • Healthcare institutions must craft advertising that focuses on educational content, uses visuals responsibly, and showcases the clinic’s unique features without exaggeration while adhering to the MOH Ad Guidelines for digital and social media marketing.

Understanding MOH Ad Guidelines for Clinics

Illustration of medical professionals using MOH Ad Guidelines and reviewing advertising guidelines

Formulated by the Ministry of Health (MOH), the guidelines for healthcare marketing and advertisement regulations are pivotal, steering Singapore’s healthcare institutions towards delivering supreme patient care and maintaining rigorous safety standards in their promotional endeavours.

These regulations control internal advertising within the physical premises of these organizations, namely private hospitals and other medical clinics, and encompass external marketing efforts across various platforms.

Crucial to the larger spectrum of the healthcare industry and individual health-related enterprises, these rules prevent hospitals and medical clinic providers from engaging in advertising that might lead to unjustified patient expectations.

They require physicians to honour their professional and corporate social responsibilities by ensuring that all disseminated information upholds patient privacy, exhibits professionalism, and complies with established advertisement regulations and norms.

Thus, hospitals and medical clinics can act as an environment conducive to well-informed patient decision-making regarding treatment options.

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Purpose of MOH Ad Guidelines

The purpose of the MOH Ad Guidelines is multifaceted, aiming primarily to:

  • Uphold the quality of healthcare services
  • Promote safety for patients across diverse advertisement platforms
  • Aid in ongoing efforts by healthcare institutions to evolve their workforce
  • Recommend updates to the Healthcare Services Act to safeguard patient health and security.

A crucial strategy for realizing these goals involves restricting the spread of overstatements within healthcare advertising. The guidelines ban any false or deceptive content, language intended to invoke fear, and claims rooted in religious beliefs or embellishment.

All promotional statements must be backed by scientific evidence, and this requirement extends across all forms of credible and authoritative media outreach—including digital spaces and social media pages along with traditional printed media and broadcast media organizations and other outlets.

Who Needs to Follow MOH Ad Guidelines?

The MOH Advertising Guidelines are universally applicable across the healthcare sector, encompassing all entities such as medical clinics that act as hospitals and medical clinics that as medical clinics act as private hospitals and also as healthcare enterprises, non-HSCA Licensable Healthcare Persons & Services, and providers of Class A Medical Devices.

All medical practitioners must conform to the MOH Ad Guidelines, irrespective of their practice setting.

This includes those medical practices operating within the private hospitals and medical clinics, which are also obliged to follow these directives in accordance with the provisions set forth by the Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act.

Every single one of medical journals advertising Singapore’s various private hospitals and medical clinics (phmc) and medical clinics and medical clinics are expected to adhere strictly to these advertising standards without exception.

Critical Components of MOH Ad Guidelines

Illustration of various MOH Ad Guidelines advertising platforms

The MOH Advertising Guidelines consist of three principal elements: the sanctioned platforms for medical advertising, the standards for ad content, and rules regarding how accreditations and awards for healthcare-related ads are presented.

These foundational components establish the norms governing health promotion board healthcare advertising within Singapore.

Adhering to these guidelines, all advertisement content must be truthful and cut, including anything that could be considered offensive, overly flamboyant, or in poor taste.

Some guidelines outline a structured set of principles on how clinics may showcase their accolades and recognitions in their advertisements, ensuring they do not mislead viewers.

Approved Advertising Platforms

The MOH Ad Guidelines permit advertising across a broad spectrum of platforms.

Ads must not contain only conventional mediums such as newspapers and magazines but also business directories and medical journals, along with an array of digital avenues, including SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, social media platforms, and blogs.

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It should be observed that despite the MOH’s approval for numerous digital channels to be used by service providers for advertising purposes, there are specific limitations regarding public channels situated outside healthcare institutions’ premises by Regulation 5(1).

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This measured strategy ensures that while healthcare providers have the capability via private TV channels to engage broadly with audiences, the integrity and regulation of information shared via third-party platforms for healthcare advertising is upheld.

Content Requirements

The MOH Ad Guidelines require healthcare service advertisements to adhere to truthfulness and avoid presenting details that could create false hopes concerning the outcomes and benefits of health products.

They must also eschew any offensive or tasteless language and visuals that might be seen as flashy or in bad taste.

Employing comparative imagery such as ‘before and after’ photos is forbidden because it can mislead consumers by encouraging unattainable or unrealistic expectations regarding treatment effects.

Equally, incorporating commendatory remarks within healthcare advertising may contravene the Healthcare Services (Advertisement) Regulations (HCSAR), given their potential for causing deception.

Display of Accreditations and Awards

Clinics can build trust and highlight their accomplishments by showcasing accreditations and awards they have received. The MOH Ad Guidelines explicitly state the acceptable manner for displaying such honours.

Any representation overstated, untrue, or intended to mislead or deceive is also strictly prohibited or forbidden.

Other healthcare providers and institutions are permitted to exhibit their accolades exclusively on-site within their facilities and on their official website or social media page.

These institutions must present these distinctions correctly to ensure they do not convey a misleading or overly inflated view of the quality of healthcare institutions.

Crafting Compliant MOH Ad Guidelines 

Illustration of MOH Ad Guidelines and educational healthcare content creation

Creating healthcare advertisements that adhere to regulations requires careful consideration. This process entails:

  • Concentrating on providing informative content
  • Prudent use of imagery
  • Emphasizing the distinct characteristics of your medical facility
  • Refraining from making overblown statements or comparisons.

Including instructive material within healthcare marketing serves multiple purposes: it acquaints potential clients with the brand, clarifies common health issues they might face, caters to patients actively searching for treatment options and enhances the brand’s perceived value.

The strategic deployment of visual components in such advertisements is paramount. This can be achieved by choosing crisp and uniform fonts, apt colours and pictures, all while ensuring relevancy by coupling visuals with explanatory text.

Focus on Educational Content

In healthcare advertising, it is essential to prioritize educational content.

This approach allows for the spread of accurate knowledge about illnesses. It ensures that any promotional material, including engaging video ads, is woven ethically and does not detract from the informative nature of the advertisement.

Medical advertisements should avoid certain types of promotional wording, including confusing medical terminology, endorsements by health professionals, or unsubstantiated claims.

By concentrating on delivering verifiable facts alone, these advertisements can educate without promoting a specific product unduly.

Use Visuals Wisely

In healthcare advertisements, visuals are instrumental in fulfilling several functions in the healthcare business, such as:

  • Communicating health-related messages
  • Simplifying the presentation of intricate information
  • Increasing audience engagement and comprehension
  • Building credibility with viewers
  • Augmenting the total advertisement experience

Nevertheless, it is vital to employ visuals judiciously. To accurately convey complicated details, one must utilize premium graphics, illustrations or infographics that truthfully represent factual content and align with the company’s branding.

Highlight Your Clinic’Clinic’s Features

Accentuating a clinic’s cognitive attributes while steering clear of overstatement requires tact. Achieving this can be done by:

  • Highlighting critical advantages and distinct differentiators
  • Showcasing the credentials of the professional staff
  • Offering genuine endorsements from patients
  • Stressing the overall benefits that their healthcare services provide

Eschew exaggerated language and sweeping statements. The language used to promote healthcare should remain truthful and precise and not lead to confusion or deception.

Refrain from presenting misleading claims or creating unwarranted anticipations about the provided medical services online.

MOH Ad Guidelines: Navigating Social Media and Digital Marketing

Illustration of MOH Ad Guidelines and healthcare institution's digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing campaigns offer healthcare institutions an entire market appeal and a prime opportunity to engage with an expansive audience in the digital realm—mastery of MOH. Ad Guidelines are essential for successfully manoeuvring through the complex terrain of both social and traditional printed media networks and digital advertising.

To weave these guidelines into your digital marketing strategies, consider the following:

  • Steering clear of deceptive or inaccurate information
  • Maintaining content that is truthful and evidence-based
  • Keeping a vigilant eye on user interaction and responses to maintain ethical advertising practices
  • Disseminating content that educates and motivates audiences
  • Circulating news regarding preventative health measures
  • Distributing valuable resources and insights.

Social Media Best Practices

Healthcare organizations can leverage social media to reach a broader demographic. Nevertheless, these institutions must grasp and comply with the MOH Ad Guidelines intricacies when utilizing such platforms.

Ensuring that all digital marketing services and activities, especially avoiding unrequested ads and unsolicited messages through channels like SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, and Messenger, are in line with these regulations.

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Partnering effectively with a digital marketing agency can enhance your online marketing strategies on social networks by:

  • Involving patients actively
  • Distributing informative materials
  • Circulating stories from patientpatients’ences
  • We are crafting an all-encompassing strategy for interacting on social media, including responses to patient queries and employing content marketing techniques combined with search engine optimization efforts.

SEO and SEM Strategies

Utilizing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) can significantly boost the online presence of your healthcare business or facility. However, it is crucial to ensure that these SEO and SEM tactics comply with the MOH Advertising Guidelines.

To maximize the effectiveness of your SEO and SEM efforts, it’s essential to integrate keywords that users commonly search for.

These include terms such as ‘healthcare’, ‘medical’’, ‘ medical clinics’, and also private hospitals and medical, hospitals and medical clinics, hospital, ‘hospital’, ‘’doctor, ‘specialist’’,’‘ treatment’, ‘patient’,’ an’ ‘appointment’’

By adherin’ to these three advertising methods, healthcare institutions, private hospitals, and medical clinics can improve through search engine optimization, gaining prominence in search engines and becoming the dominant search engine results, thereby drawing a more targeted demographic.

Handling Non-Compliant Advertising of MOH Ad Guidelines

Illustration of identifying non-compliant advertising

Understanding the intricacies of healthcare advertising is vital to avoid falling into non-compliance. Recognizing and reacting appropriately to feedback about such advertisements is essential.

Typically, non-compliant healthcare ads can be spotted by noting the following:

  • Absence of factual correctness
  • Content that may come off as offensive or showy
  • Employment of before-and-after imagery
  • Assertions made by entities without licensing from the Health Sciences Authority (HCSA) about treating or curing diseases
  • It depicts treatments in a manner that promises guaranteed and risk-free outcomes.

Identifying Non-Compliant Ads

Recognizing advertisements that do not adhere to advertisement regulations is crucial for resolving any arising concerns.

Various factors can contribute to non-compliance with advertisement regulations, including using laudatory statements, disseminating information that could be false or deceptive, content that might be considered offensive or tacky, and an absence of necessary disclosures.

Adherence to standards in healthcare advertising necessitates consistent monitoring.

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This process encompasses scrutinizing current regulations regularly, training staff members appropriately on these matters, establishing transparent policies regarding advertisement practices, and making certain all promotional activities conform with legal requirements and normative guidance.

Responding to Feedback and Rectifying Issues

Should there be instances of non-compliance, it’s imperative to address feedback and correct any problems swiftly.

This requires disseminating policy or procedure information while ensuring compliance with patient confidentiality laws and advertisement regulations, as well as direct input and in-depth investigation into the issue.

Creating a corrective action plan necessitates knowledge of the MOH Ad Guidelines, pinpointing areas of ad spaces that do not conform to these guidelines, and quickly resolving such discrepancies.

The process must be accelerated to avoid additional occurrences of non-compliance.


Navigating the MOH Ad Guidelines for clinics is a crucial aspect of healthcare advertising in Singapore. These guidelines ensure that your clinic’s practices are ethical and accurate, protecting patients from misleading information and promoting informed decisions.

By focusing on educational content, using visuals wisely, and highlighting the unique features of your clinic, you can craft engaging and compliant healthcare ads.

Remember to navigate your social media accounts and digital marketing campaigns wisely, adhere to SEO and SEM strategies, and always be prepared to handle non-compliant advertising swiftly and effectively.

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

What is PHMC Singapore?

In Singapore, the PHMC Guidelines launched in 2019 by the government regulate healthcare marketing guidelines and practices within private hospitals, medical clinics, healthcare institutions, and private practitioners.

This refers to digital marketing guidelines used for Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics (PHMC), aiming to maintain ethical standards across such facilities.

How many hospitals are there in Singapore?

Singapore boasts 16 acute and community hospitals as of January 2020.

What are the rules for advertisements in Singapore?

In Singapore, advertisements must refrain from including any unlawful content that might promote activities against the law. They should adhere to the moral principles established by respected and relevant professional bodies and organizations within the country.

Who needs to follow the MOH Ad Guidelines?

In Singapore, it is mandatory for medical clinics, every healthcare facility, private hospital, medical clinics, and all medical professionals to adhere to the guidelines set forth in advertisement regulations made by the MOH regarding advertising.

Upholding ethical standards in advertising practices is paramount as per these guidelines.

What are the critical components of the MOH Ad Guidelines?

The essential elements of the MOH Ad Guidelines encompass sanctioned advertising platforms, stipulations for content, and the requisite exhibition of credentials and accolades.

When devising advertisements, it is imperative to adhere to these components to ensure compliance.


Tentang Penulis

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Tom Koh

Tom adalah CEO dan Konsultan Utama MediaOne, sebuah agensi pemasaran digital terkemuka. Dia telah memberikan konsultasi untuk perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional seperti Canon, Maybank, Capitaland, SingTel, ST Engineering, WWF, Universitas Cambridge, serta organisasi pemerintah seperti Enterprise Singapore, Departemen Hukum, Galeri Nasional, NTUC, e2i, SingHealth. Artikel-artikelnya dipublikasikan dan direferensikan di CNA, Straits Times, MoneyFM, Financial Times, Yahoo! Finance, Hubspot, Zendesk, CIO Advisor.

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