How to Use SumIf in Google Sheets: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Use SumIf in Google Sheets _ MediaOne Marketing Singapore

If you’re working with data in Google Sheets, SumIf is a tool that you’ll want to have in your arsenal.

It allows you to quickly sum up data that meets specific criteria, which can be incredibly useful for a variety of tasks, such as calculating the total revenue for a specific product or finding the number of customers who purchased a particular item.

In this article, we’ll take you through how to use SumIf in Google Sheets, step by step. We’ll cover everything you need to know, from the basics of how SumIf works to more advanced techniques for using SumIf to solve complex data problems. So let’s get started!

Understanding the Basics of SumIf in Google Sheets

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Before we dive into the specifics of how to use SumIf in Google Sheets, let’s take a moment to understand what SumIf does and how it works.

SumIf is a function in Google Sheets that allows you to sum up a range of values that meet a specific criteria. For example, let’s say you have a spreadsheet that contains sales data for a range of products.

You could use SumIf to quickly calculate the total revenue for a specific product by summing up all of the sales data for that product.

The basic syntax for SumIf is as follows:

=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

Here’s what each of these parameters means:

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  • range: This is the range of cells that you want to evaluate against the criteria. For example, if you want to sum up sales data for a specific product, the range would be the column that contains the product names.
  • criteria: This is the criteria that you want to use to determine which values to include in the sum. For example, if you want to sum up sales data for a specific product, the criteria would be the name of that product.
  • sum_range: This is the range of cells that you want to sum up. If you leave this parameter blank, SumIf will use the same range that you specified for the range parameter.

Now that you understand the basics of how SumIf works, let’s move on to some practical examples of how to use SumIf in Google Sheets.

Using SumIf to Sum Up Values Based on a Single Criteria

Using SumIf to Sum Up Values Based on a Single Criteria | MediaOne Marketing Singapore

One of the most common use cases for SumIf in Google Sheets is to sum up values based on a single criterion. For example, let’s say you have a spreadsheet that contains sales data for a range of products, and you want to calculate the total revenue for a specific product.

Here’s how you would use SumIf to do this:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Type the following formula: =SUMIF(A2:A10,”Product A”,B2:B10)
  3. Press Enter.

In this example, A2:A10 is the range of cells that contains the product names, “Product A” is the criteria that we want to use to determine which values to include in the sum, and B2:B10 is the range of cells that contains the sales data that we want to sum up.

Using SumIf to Sum Up Values Based on Multiple Criteria

In some cases, you may need to sum up values based on multiple criteria. For example, let’s say you have a spreadsheet that contains sales data for a range of products, and you want to calculate the total revenue for a specific product in a specific region.

Here’s how you would use SumIf to do this:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Type the following formula: =SUMIFS(B2:B10,A2:A10,”Product A”,C2:C10,”Region 1″)
  3. Press Enter.

In this example, B2:B10 is the range of cells that contains the sales data that we want to sum up, A2:A10 is the range of cells that contains the product names, “Product A” is the criteria that we want to use to determine which product to include in the sum, C2:C10 is the range of cells that contains the region names, and “Region 1” is the criteria that we want to use to determine which region to include in the sum.

Using SumIf to Sum Up Values Based on a Range of Criteria

In some cases, you may need to sum up values based on a range of criteria. For example, let’s say you have a spreadsheet that contains sales data for a range of products, and you want to calculate the total revenue for a range of products.

Here’s how you would use SumIf to do this:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Type the following formula: =SUMIF(A2:A10,{“Product A”,”Product B”},B2:B10)
  3. Press Enter.

In this example, A2:A10 is the range of cells that contains the product names, {“Product A”,”Product B”} is the range of criteria that we want to use to determine which products to include in the sum, and B2:B10 is the range of cells that contains the sales data that we want to sum up.

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Using SumIf to Sum Up Values Based on a Dynamic Criteria

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In some cases, you may need to sum up values based on dynamic criteria. For example, let’s say you have a spreadsheet that contains sales data for a range of products, and you want to calculate the total revenue for the top-selling product.

Here’s how you would use SumIf to do this:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Type the following formula: =SUMIF(A2:A10,INDEX(A2:A10,MATCH(MAX(B2:B10),B2:B10,0)),B2:B10)
  3. Press Enter.

In this example, A2:A10 is the range of cells that contains the product names, B2:B10 is the range of cells that contains the sales data that we want to sum up, MAX(B2:B10) returns the maximum value in the range B2:B10 (which represents the highest sales figure), MATCH(MAX(B2:B10),B2:B10,0) returns the position of the maximum value in the range B2:B10, and INDEX(A2:A10,MATCH(MAX(B2:B10),B2:B10,0)) returns the product name associated with the highest sales figure.

Using SumIf with Wildcards

In some cases, you may want to use SumIf with wildcards to match a pattern of text. For example, let’s say you have a spreadsheet that contains sales data for a range of products, and you want to calculate the total revenue for all products that contain the word “Widget” in the product name.

Here’s how you would use SumIf with wildcards to do this:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Type the following formula: =SUMIF(A2:A10,”Widget“,B2:B10)
  3. Press Enter.

In this example, A2:A10 is the range of cells that contains the product names, “Widget” is the criteria that we want to use to determine which products to include in the sum, and B2:B10 is the range of cells that contains the sales data that we want to sum up.

Using SumIf with Multiple Criteria Using Array Formula

In some cases, you may want to use SumIf with multiple criteria that cannot be handled using the standard SumIf function. In these cases, you can use an array formula that combines the SumIf function with other functions, such as IF, AND, and OR.

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Here’s how you would use an array formula to sum up values based on multiple criteria:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Type the following formula: =SUM(IF((A2:A10=”Product A”)*(C2:C10=”Region 1″),B2:B10,0))
  3. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

In this example, A2:A10 is the range of cells that contains the product names, “Product A” is the first criteria that we want to use to determine which products to include in the sum, C2:C10 is the range of cells that contains the region names, “Region 1” is the second criteria that we want to use to determine which regions to include in the sum, and B2:B10 is the range of cells that contains the sales data that we want to sum up.

SumIf in Google Sheets Tips & Trick

Google Sheets is an online spreadsheet tool that enables users to manage and analyse data efficiently. One of the most useful features of Google Sheets is the ability to perform calculations using formulas.

The SUMIF function is one of the many functions that Google Sheets offers to help you perform calculations on your data. In this article, we will discuss the SUMIF function in detail, and provide tips and tricks for using it effectively in your spreadsheets.

What is SumIf in Google Sheets?

What is SumIf in Google Sheets? | MediaOne Marketing Singapore

The SUMIF function in Google Sheets allows you to add up values in a range that meet a specific condition. This function is useful when you want to sum up values in a dataset that meet certain criteria. The SUMIF function takes three arguments:

• Range: the range of cells that you want to evaluate.

• Criteria: the condition that you want to apply to the range.

• Sum_range: the range of cells that you want to sum.

The syntax of the SUMIF function is as follows:

=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

For example, if you have a dataset that contains sales data for different products, and you want to sum up the sales for a specific product, you can use the SUMIF function to achieve this. In this case, the range would be the column that contains the product names, the criteria would be the specific product that you want to sum the sales for, and the sum_range would be the column that contains the sales data.

Tips and Tricks for Using SumIf in Google Sheets

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#1. Use Wildcards to Create Dynamic Criteria

One of the most useful features of the SUMIF function in Google Sheets is the ability to use wildcards in the criteria argument. Wildcards are characters that can represent any other character. The two most common wildcards that you can use in Google Sheets are the asterisk (*) and the question mark (?).

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The asterisk (*) represents any number of characters, while the question mark (?) represents a single character. You can use these wildcards to create dynamic criteria that can match multiple values.

For example, if you have a dataset that contains sales data for different regions, and you want to sum up the sales for all regions that start with the letter “E”, you can use the following formula:


This formula will sum up the sales for all regions that start with the letter “E”.

#2. Use SumIf with Date Ranges

The SUMIF function in Google Sheets can also be used to sum up values based on date ranges. This can be useful when you want to sum up values for a specific period, such as a month or a year.

To use the SUMIF function with date ranges, you need to use the date functions in Google Sheets. The two most common date functions that you can use are DATE and TODAY. The DATE function allows you to create a date based on the year, month, and day, while the TODAY function returns the current date.

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For example, if you have a dataset that contains sales data for different dates, and you want to sum up the sales for the month of January, you can use the following formula:


This formula will sum up the sales for the month of January.

#3. Use SumIf with Multiple Criteria

The SUMIF function in Google Sheets also allows you to sum up values based on multiple criteria. To do this, you need to use the SUMIFS function. The SUMIFS function is similar to the SUMIF function, but it allows you to specify multiple criteria.

The syntax of the SUMIFS function is as follows:

=SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], …)

For example, if you have a dataset that contains sales data for different products and regions, and you want to sum up the sales for a specific product in a specific region, you can use the following formula:

=SUMIFS(B2:B10, A2:A10, “Product A”, C2:C10, “Region 1”)

This formula will sum up the sales for “Product A” in “Region 1”.

#4. Use SumIf with Logical Operators

The SUMIF function in Google Sheets also allows you to use logical operators to create more complex criteria. The logical operators that you can use in Google Sheets are:

• Greater than (>)

• Less than (<)

• Greater than or equal to (>=)

• Less than or equal to (<=)

• Equal to (=)

• Not equal to (<>)

For example, if you have a dataset that contains sales data for different products, and you want to sum up the sales for products that have sold more than 100 units, you can use the following formula:

=SUMIF(B2:B10, “>100”, C2:C10)

This formula will sum up the sales for products that have sold more than 100 units.

#5. Use Named Ranges to Simplify Formulas

Another tip for using the SUMIF function in Google Sheets is to use named ranges. Named ranges are a useful feature that allows you to give a name to a range of cells. This can make your formulas more readable and easier to understand.

To create a named range in Google Sheets, you need to select the range of cells that you want to name, and then click on “Data” > “Named ranges”. In the “Named ranges” panel, you can give your range a name.

For example, if you have a dataset that contains sales data for different products, and you want to sum up the sales for a specific product, you can create a named range for the column that contains the product names. You can then use the named range in your formula, like this:

=SUMIF(products, “Product A”, sales)

In this formula, “products” is the name of the named range that contains the product names, and “sales” is the name of the named range that contains the sales data.


SumIf is a powerful function that can help you quickly and easily calculate the total value of a range of cells based on a specific criterion or criteria. By understanding how to use SumIf in Google Sheets, you can save time and streamline your spreadsheet calculations.

Whether you need to sum up values based on a single criterion, multiple criteria, or a dynamic criterion, SumIf can help you get the job done quickly and accurately.

Remember to always check your formulas carefully to ensure that you are getting the desired results, and to use best practices when working with spreadsheets, such as backing up your data regularly and using descriptive labels to make your data easier to understand and work with.


  • Google Sheets Help Center:
  • ExcelJet:
  • HowToGeek:
  • Zapier:

About the Author

Tom Koh

Tom is the CEO and Principal Consultant of MediaOne, a leading digital marketing agency. He has consulted for MNCs like Canon, Maybank, Capitaland, SingTel, ST Engineering, WWF, Cambridge University, as well as Government organisations like Enterprise Singapore, Ministry of Law, National Galleries, NTUC, e2i, SingHealth. His articles are published and referenced in CNA, Straits Times, MoneyFM, Financial Times, Yahoo! Finance, Hubspot, Zendesk, CIO Advisor.


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