​​How To Migrate WordPress Site: Everything You Need To Know In 2025

How To Migrate WordPress Site

Migrating a WordPress site might seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a smooth and straightforward process. Whether you’re moving to a new hosting provider, changing your domain, or setting up a local development environment, knowing how to migrate a WordPress site is crucial to maintaining your website’s functionality and SEO rankings

Some of the reasons why users migrate their sites include the following: 

  • Backing Up: Creating a complete backup of the site’s files and database.
  • Transferring Files: Moving core WordPress files, themes, plugins, and media uploads.
  • Migrating the Database: Exporting the database from the source server and importing it into the destination server.
  • Updating Configuration: Modifying the wp-config.php file to reflect the new server settings.
  • Updating URLs: Adjusting any site URLs or links to match the new domain or server environment.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through each step, from creating a backup to ensuring your site runs seamlessly in its new location. By the end, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to handle migrations confidently.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Back up your website, assess hosting requirements, and plan for potential downtime before migrating to avoid issues.
  • Opt for manual migration for complete control or use plugins like Duplicator, All-in-One WP Migration, or UpdraftPlus for a streamlined approach.
  • Ensure smooth migration by systematically handling file transfers, database setup, wp-config.php edits, and DNS reconfiguration.
  • Use a staging environment to identify and resolve issues to minimise downtime and disruptions.
  • Reliable plugins save time and reduce errors, but their features vary. Evaluate each plugin’s pros and cons to choose the best fit for your needs.

Pre-Migration Checklist 

Migrate WordPress Site - Pre-Migration Checklist

Image Credit: Semrush

Before starting the migration process, thorough preparation is essential to ensure a smooth and error-free transition. Use this checklist to get your WordPress website ready for migration:

Create a Complete Backup

  • Back up your entire WordPress website, including the database, themes, plugins, and media files.
  • Use reliable backup plugins like UpdraftPlus, Duplicator, or manual methods via cPanel or FTP.
  • Store backups in a secure, accessible location, such as cloud storage or an external drive.

Assess Your Hosting Requirements

  • Evaluate your new hosting provider to ensure it meets your website’s technical needs, such as disk space, PHP version, and database support.
  • Confirm that the new server environment supports WordPress and has similar or better performance capabilities.

Plan for Downtime and DNS Changes

  • Choose a low-traffic period to minimise disruptions during the migration process.
  • Inform stakeholders and users about potential downtime, if any.
  • Plan for DNS updates and propagation, which may take up to 48 hours.

Check Website Compatibility

  • Ensure that all themes, plugins, and WordPress core are updated to their latest versions.
  • Verify that any custom code or configurations are compatible with the new hosting environment.

Secure Your Login Credentials

  • Collect login credentials for the current hosting, FTP, and database.
  • Obtain credentials for the new hosting provider, including cPanel and database access.

Test the Migration Process (Optional)

  • If possible, set up a staging environment to test the migration process before applying it to the live site.
  • Identify and resolve any issues in the staging site to avoid surprises during the actual migration.

By following these preparations, you’ll lay the groundwork for a successful migration, reducing the likelihood of errors and downtime.

7 Steps You Need to Know on How to Migrate WordPress Site

7 Steps You Need to Know on How to Migrate WordPress Site

Image Credit: Verpex

The migration process consists of four major parts

  1. Moving the website files
  2. Moving the website database
  3. Configuring the application to work with a new web host
  4. Aligning your DNS domain to the new host

However, these parts require seven steps to complete. Let us get into how to migrate your WordPress site to a new server:

Step 1: Backup Your Website Files and Content

This is not only good practice when undertaking website migration, but it is one of the requirements. There are two options of backing up your website files and database; using a plugin to automate the process or manually back up.

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The manual process requires that you use an FTP program, connect to your current server, and then copy all the website files to a folder in your computer’s hard drive. Be sure to check the help file on your FTP programs to see the hidden files such as the .htaccess file.

The manual process when compared to the use of plugins can take a while, and it is easy to make mistakes. However, with plugins such as Duplicator, you can automate the backup process.

Step 2: Export Your Website’s Database

This is a straightforward process and for this section, we will use cPanel to export the website database. The process could be different if you are using a different control panel.

  • Login to your cPanel account
  • Open phpMyAdmin application
  • Choose the database with the WordPress installation from the sidebar on the left
  • Click the ‘Export’ tab then select the ‘Quick – display only the minimal options’
  • Choose the SQL format
  • Click ‘Go’

The database export will begin immediately, and it will be downloaded to your preferred folder in your computer. To make things easier, you should use one folder to store the website files, and database.

Step 3: Create a WordPress Database on the New Server

First off, you need to create a database which will be the import destination of your SQL data. Next, log in to the new server with the provided user credentials and connect to the cPanel software or the control panel you are using.

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We will use the MySQL Databases application to create a new database; however, you should contact the web host and enquire about the application they use to create a database on their servers. These are the steps to follow when creating a database using the MySQL Database application

  • Open the MySQL Database application, create a new database and choose a unique and appropriate name
  • Create a new MySQL user and be sure to use a strong and unique password
  • Add the new user account to the database you created earlier and grant it all privileges

Once completed, write the name of the database down and the login credentials of the new MySQL account since you will need them in the following steps on how to migrate your WordPress.com site to a new server.

Step 4: Edit the wp-config.php File

Go to the folder where you downloaded the website files and look for a file called wp-config.php. This file controls how your WordPress site connects to the database.

Make a copy of the wp-config.php file and store it in a different folder in your computer. This is to ensure that you can restore the changes made if anything goes wrong.  Open the original wp-config.php file and make the following essential changes to it

Edit the Database Name

Once the file is open, look for this line in the file

[pbcode id=”J5xZcjUZ”/]

Normally, the db_name section of this line is configured to the old MySQL database name of the server that you are migrating from. Change it to the name of the new MySQL database you created in step 3.

Edit the Database Username

Below this, you will find the following line

[pbcode id=”RvMULYtf”/]

In the db-user section replace the old user name with the new one you created in step 3.

Change the Database Password

Finally, locate the following line in the wp-config.php line

[pbcode id=”LKhfBLcZ”/]

In the db_pass section, change the password and input the new one you created in step 3.

After these processes, save the wp-config.php file and close it. In case you make a mistake, you can always start the process by making another copy from the original wp-config.php and following the same process.

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Step 5: Import Your Database

After creating a database for your WordPress site, you can now begin the process of importing the database. Go to your cPanel on the new server, launch the phpMyAdmin and on the left sidebar, select the appropriate database.

  • Once the database is open, select the ‘Import’ tab from the navigation menu at the top of the window
  • Click the ‘Choose File’ button in the ‘File to Import’ section then select the SQL file you had previously exported in step 2
  • Un-check the ‘Partial Import’ box and make sure that the format is set to SQL
  • Click the ‘Go’ button, and the import process will start immediately

There is no definite answer as to how long it will take to complete the process because it depends on the size of your database. However, you will get a notification once the process is complete.

Step 6: Upload the WordPress Files

With the wp-config.php configured and the new database prepared, you can now start uploading the WordPress files to the new server. You will need an FTP program, for example, FileZilla to connect to the new server.

Scroll through the folder where your WordPress site will be hosted. You can use the public_html folder if your website is the only one to be hosted on the server. However, if it is a shared server, you must choose a different directory.

After this, you can then begin to upload the WordPress files which include the updated wp-config.php file. The uploading process might be long, but that will depend on the speed of your internet connection and the size of the files.

Do not make the mistake of deleting the WordPress files when the uploading is complete. They will come in handy for the final step on how to migrate your WordPress.com site to a new server.

Step 7: Wrapping Up the Migration

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This step has two parts, and one of the steps takes as much as two days, which makes it the longest step of how to migrate your WordPress.com site to a new server guide. You need to reconfigure the DNS settings of your domain before you can use the website on the new server.

Naturally, the DNS settings will be set to your old server, and you must realign the correct records to the IP address of the new server. The swiftness of this process depends on where your domain is registered, but it normally takes approximately 48 hours for your domain registrar to complete the process.

Ideally, you should start this process when the website has low traffic. In addition, during the 48 hours, avoid making any changes to your WordPress site since it might affect the different elements of your website.

Once the period is over, you can now access the WordPress site from the new server. At this point, you can login to the old server and delete the database along with the website files. However, it is recommended that you retain a copy of the files and database you created in step 1 and step 5 in your computer.

How to Migrate WordPress Site Using Migration Plugins 

There’s also an easier way to migrate your WordPress site: using plugins. Migrating a WordPress site can be simplified by using specialised plugins. These tools automate much of the process, reducing the risk of errors and saving time. 

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Below are some of the most popular WordPress migration plugins, their advantages, disadvantages, and step-by-step instructions for use.

1. Duplicator

Migrate WordPress Site - duplicator

Duplicator is a versatile plugin that allows you to create a copy of your site and migrate it to a new location.


  • Supports full site migration, including files and databases.
  • Useful for creating backups.
  • Allows moving sites between environments (e.g., staging to production).
  • No downtime during migration.


  • The free version lacks support for large sites or multisite installations.
  • Advanced features require the Pro version.

How to Use Duplicator:

  1. Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Go to Duplicator > Packages and click Create New.
  3. Follow the wizard to build a package, which includes your site files and database.
  4. Download the package and installer script.
  5. Upload both files to the destination server using FTP.
  6. Run the installer script by accessing http://yournewdomain/installer.php in a browser.
  7. Follow the prompts to complete the migration process.

2. All-in-One WP Migration

Migrate WordPress Site - All-in-One WP Migration

This plugin offers a straightforward interface to export and import WordPress sites, making it beginner-friendly.


  • Simple, intuitive process.
  • Compatible with various hosting providers.
  • Includes options for URL replacements.


  • The free version has a 512MB upload size limit.
  • Some advanced features (e.g., cloud storage integrations) require paid extensions.

How to Use All-in-One WP Migration:

  1. Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Go to All-in-One WP Migration > Export.
  3. Choose an export option (e.g., to a file, Dropbox, or Google Drive).
  4. Download the exported file.
  5. On the new site, install the plugin and go to Import.
  6. Upload the exported file and follow the prompts to restore the site.

3. UpdraftPlus (with Migrator Add-On)

Migrate WordPress Site - UpdraftPlus (with Migrator Add-On)

UpdraftPlus is primarily a backup plugin, but its Migrator add-on enables easy site transfers.


  • Reliable backup and migration solution.
  • Supports scheduled backups.
  • Can migrate directly to remote destinations.


  • Migration features require the premium version or the Migrator add-on.
  • Setup can be complex for beginners.

How to Use UpdraftPlus for Migration:

  1. Install and activate the plugin on both the source and destination sites.
  2. Purchase and activate the Migrator add-on.
  3. On the source site, create a backup by going to UpdraftPlus > Settings > Backup Now.
  4. Download the backup files (database, themes, plugins, uploads).
  5. On the destination site, go to Settings > UpdraftPlus > Restore.
  6. Upload the backup files and follow the restoration prompts.

4. WP Migrate

Migrate WordPress Site - WP Migrate

WP Migrate (formerly WP Migrate DB Pro) is a professional tool designed for developers, allowing seamless database and site migrations.


  • Handles database serialisation, making it ideal for large, complex sites.
  • Can migrate specific data (e.g., plugins, media library).
  • Integration with advanced developer tools.


  • Requires a premium licence.
  • Best suited for developers; not beginner-friendly.

How to Use WP Migrate:

  1. Install and activate the plugin on both the source and destination sites.
  2. Connect the sites using the plugin’s remote connection feature.
  3. Select the data to migrate (e.g., database, files, themes).
  4. Start the migration and monitor progress via the dashboard.

Get Professional Help on How to Migrate WordPress Site 

Get Professional Help on How to Migrate WordPress Site

There are many reasons to migrate from your current server to a new one. With this guide on how to migrate your WordPress.com site to a new server, you do not have to put up with unprofessional web hosts or malfunctioning servers again.

This guide on how to migrate your WordPress site to a new server will help you set up your site on the new server properly. But, is the website properly designed and content SEO friendly? Get in touch with our pro web designers in Singapore for a comprehensive web audit and review. We will give you tips on what exactly needs to be done to enhance your website and carry out tests to be sure that the site is working optimally.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to migrate a WordPress site for free?

You can migrate a WordPress site for free using plugins like Duplicator or All-in-One WP Migration, which offer free versions with basic features. Alternatively, you can manually transfer files and databases via FTP and phpMyAdmin, though this requires more technical knowledge.

What is the fastest way to migrate a WordPress site?

Using a migration plugin is the fastest way to move your site. Tools like Duplicator or WP Migrate streamline the process by automating tasks like file transfer, database migration, and URL updates, saving significant time compared to manual methods.

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How to migrate WordPress without a plugin?

To migrate without a plugin, manually download your site files using FTP and export the database through phpMyAdmin. Transfer the files and import the database to the new server, updating the wp-config.php file and fixing URLs as needed.

What happens when you migrate a website?

When you migrate a website, all its files, database, and configurations are transferred to a new hosting environment or domain. If done correctly, the site should function the same, but downtime, broken links, or missing data may occur if the process is not handled properly.

Does migrating a website affect SEO?

If the migration is done properly, the impact on SEO should be minimal. Ensure URLs, metadata, and site structure are preserved, and set up 301 redirects for any changes in domain to maintain search rankings and avoid losing traffic.

About the Author

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Tom Koh

Tom is the CEO and Principal Consultant of MediaOne, a leading digital marketing agency. He has consulted for MNCs like Canon, Maybank, Capitaland, SingTel, ST Engineering, WWF, Cambridge University, as well as Government organisations like Enterprise Singapore, Ministry of Law, National Galleries, NTUC, e2i, SingHealth. His articles are published and referenced in CNA, Straits Times, MoneyFM, Financial Times, Yahoo! Finance, Hubspot, Zendesk, CIO Advisor.

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