How To Content Market Like A Pro In Singapore

how to content market like a pro
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The world of marketing is a shifty one. Everything keeps on changing. New technologies emerge, new tools are introduced, and there’s always an influx of fresh thinkers putting a new spin on old tactics, and setting new standards that raise the bar for quality even higher.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing approach that covers a wide range of processes and tactics, where:

  • The content is created based on the needs of the target audience
  • Content must serve the needs of the clients while aligning with your business goals
  • The generated content is optimized to serve your objectives and those of your clients in all marketing areas in a calculated and connected way.

Marketing becomes valuable when the tastes and preferences of your customers align with the suitability of your content. The best thing about it is that the role of material is customer-centric, quality, planned and strategic. The content is based on experiences and emotions – both user and brand experiences are emotional in nature.

Valuable and relevant content boosts customer interactions with your brand. Marketing also associates other content management strategies like getting audience insights to ensure you publish the right content at the right place, and at the right time. The worthiness of content marketing to your business always shows on the total ROI. The value of your content lies in the hands of the audience.

Various definitions of content marketing exist. But the principles and practices of excellent marketing will remain forever as far as you practice customer-based marketing. It is good to understand that your target audience has more power and utilisation of content for promotion purposes needs a perfect strategy. Content marketing does not involve digital marketing alone.

However, the digital aspect plays a crucial role when it comes to content marketing. Because of the success of content marketing and the increasing awareness of the importance of relevant content to marketers, the term is utilised for various roles in social and digital marketing – from SEO and social content to digital advertising. Going into 2022 and beyond, content marketing is no longer just another technical jargon or buzzword, but a powerful marketing strategy and an impactful way to generate leads and grow your brand. It is a marketing approach that focuses on creating and distributing valuable, consistent, and relevant content to target and retain a well-defined audience and drive profitable customer action.

It’s even projected that the content marketing industry will be valued at an upward of $400 billion by 2022.

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The State of Content Marketing in Singapore

Singapore enjoys one of the highest internet penetration rates in the world. It’s, in fact, the highest in Southeast Asia, with 85% of its population enjoying internet access, 96% of which have even signed up with at least one social network. It’s now that the B2B marketers in Singapore are beginning to realise the benefit of content marketing, and they’re in the full-swing beginning to take advantage of it. But even with this, many experts in the field of marketing are still convinced that the content market is yet to hit full maturity in the region.  Of course, it’s gaining traction, and a few businesses that are integrating it into their marketing strategies are reaping it big in terms of traffic.

How Content Marketing Affects SEO

Google has been adamant that the only way to secure a prime ranking in the SERPs is to continue working on creating high-quality content. Their latest algorithmic updates draw the final line regarding this – your SEO success hinges on a solid content marketing strategy.

Types of Content That Play Into Your Site Ranking in the SERPs

  • Rich Results

    Optimising your site content to appear in Google’s Rich Result has now become an essential piece of any successful SEO content marketing strategy. Also referred to as position zero, the goal has shifted. These snippets have become the brass ring of SEO placement – by dint of their visual elements and the amount of real estate that they occupy on the first page.
  • Voice

    Alexa and Siri are set to be the next big thing in the world of marketing. The rise of voice-first technology is changing the search landscape, the result is that content marketing is becoming more conversational.

Content Marketing isn’t Limited to SEO

The first thing that comes into many people’s mind whenever someone talks about content marketing is SEO. Some even go to the length of using them interchangeably. But contrary to what many people think, content marketing isn’t limited to SEO. If anything, SEO is just a small part of it.

So How Else Can Content Be Used In Marketing?  


When you use content to establish trust and inspire loyalty, then that’s branding. It’s through branding that customers learn to take your word for it, and can trust you to offer them what’s best. So whether you’re publishing a piece of article on your blog or running a social media campaign that will be further reinforcing the image your brand is already known for, what you’re merely doing is using content to influence how your audience perceives you and your business.

Content Offers

Your web and blog content aside, content marketing also comes in handy in crafting power pages, white papers, and ebooks. It’s through content marketing that it’s even possible to get your message across or talk about your expertise in any given field. It’s what you use to convince your target market to shell out their hard-earned cash for a product or service you’re offering. Also, content marketing adds more fuel to your marketing strategy. It’s what you use to talk about you and your business in a manner that your customers and prospects can get to understand you better.

The Four Key Components of Content Marketing

Positioning: where you define your brand and all the experiences it brings

  • What’s so unique about your brand personality?
  • What makes it better than your competitors?

Value Proposition: This refers to all the things that your brand, content, and products bring to the table. What’s so unique about your brand?

  • What value does your content bring to your target audience? How are they bound to benefit from it?
  • What makes you unique from the other content creators?

Business Case: This refers to a list of all the things that you wish to accomplish with your marketing plan.

  • What goals do you have in mind?
  • How do you intend to use it to bring your business closer to these goals?

Strategic Plan: This refers to the means or how you plan to achieve your desired outcomes.

  • Which group of people do you want to reach?
  • How will you deliver your content to them?
  • How do you plan to achieve and measure the results you get?

What Do Content Marketing Agencies In Singapore Do?

A content marketing agency in Singapore produces and shares content on your behalf, which in turn translates to prospects and a higher chance of converting them into paying customers. However, a majority of the businesses are working with a shoestring budget, and the chances are that they do not have a dedicated content marketing department. Working with such agencies in Singapore has several benefits including:

  • Improving brand awareness
  • Building brand loyalty, trust, and authority
  • Converting more leads at a reduced cost
  • Impress more customers

On top of this, it will help to enhance your digital marketing in Singapore. When choosing a content marketing agency in Singapore, consider the following factors:

  • Affordability
  • Competencies in SEO, social media, and digital marketing
  • Relationship with customers

The Low Down On Content Marketing in Singapore

Content marketing is based on four principles. Sustainability – it is pursued as a long term marketing strategy Strong relationship – it aims at bringing the audience closer to the brand Quality and relevancy of the content – the audience is only provided with valuable and relevant content Profitability – it would be a failure if it doesn’t persuade the audience to make a purchase and prefer your goods over those of your competitors. As you can see, it goes beyond blogs and social media posts. Content marketing thrives on excellent story-making skills. Humans like to hear stories. While any story can be a good story, we tend to fixate more on great stories. A great story would be the reason behind the success of a movie.

Types of Content That Can Go Into Your Strategy

There are tons of content options to go into your content stack. You don’t need to include all these content formats, but diversifying will surely help you reach more people at the various stages of their buying journey:

  • Blog Posts

    This is the most obvious form of content, and where it all begins. You probably have a blog or have been thinking about setting up one. A blog allows you to supply your prospects and customers with regular content. The more consistent your blog, the more authority you gain in your space.
  • Email Marketing

    Email marketing allows you to stay in touch with your target audience. It’s what you use to maintain an open line of communication with your target audience. Usually, email marketing content is centred around news, product descriptions, or blog promotion.
  • Visual Content

    We understand that words power marketing. However, we cannot deny the fact the human brain digests visual content better. It’s easy for the human brain to capture, besides making it easy for people to understand certain concepts better.
  • White Papers

    White papers are lengthy reports (from 5 to 15 pages) used for topics that require detailed explanations. These reports can range from technical briefs to research reports and are typically used to show your thought leadership or authority on a particular subject. 
  • Article

    This is one of the most dynamic and useful pieces of content you can ever create. They’re flexible, with no limit as to what length of articles you should write. Articles also give you the leeway to exercise your creativity. Done right, and they’re an easy way to establish yourself as a thought leader.
  • eBook

    eBook covers topics in detail. They’re best suited for targeting users in the middle of your sales funnel. Essentially, they provide more information on a subject than the standard blog posts or articles that you’re likely to come across online. An eBook can come in whatever length – from 5 pages to 100 or even 200 pages depending on the scope of the topic being tackled.
  • Case Studies

    Case studies provide a first-hand authority on a particular product or service. They have a story-like feel attached to them, are usually inspired by real-life events, and are meant to inspire trust and boost confidence in your products, services, or brand.
  • Testimonials

    Testimonials are the recommendation you get from customers or users of your products and services. They’re quite similar to case studies, only that they’re less detailed. Testimonials have great effects when they’re authentic and from a reliable source.
  • Webinars and Webcasts

    These are the presentation that people put online for other people to see. A webinar consists of slides and audio, while a webcast will feature slides, audio, and video. They’re a bit more technological, but a good way to establish yourself as an industry expert or thought leader.
  • Online Learning Course

    An online course is meant to teach or walk users through a particular topic and make them understand. One course can include multiple media – like slides, pdfs, videos, audio presentations, and so on. Any learning material that can be used online can come in handy.
  • Podcasts

    Podcasts are becoming a popular trend. In fact, the number of people who listen to podcasts rose to 51% in 2019 from 21% in 2009. People listen to podcasts because they want to learn something new. So, if you have something to teach your prospects or customers, then a podcast might work for you.
  • Books

    Books may be all-fashioned and all that, but they’re still a good way to convey your message to the people you’re targeting. Writing and producing a book is no easy feat, but they’re a good way to establish authority in your field.
  • Infographics

    Infographics are a visual representation of data, one that’s becoming extremely popular nowadays. Usually, they’re used to explore the relation between two or more sets of data. They can be tailored for social media and made in such a way that they can be easily shared around.
  • Webpages

There is a difference between a webpage meant for marketing and a regular webpage. A webpage meant for marketing incorporates the elements of SEO and related resources. Moz, one of the renowned SEO advisers, offers this guide to beginners who want to understand the in and out of web pages and SEO.

  • Podcasts

Podcasts are digital audio files availed on the internet from where listeners can download them. They are often released in series. The advantage of podcasts is that they give fresh visibility in a different world – more so iTunes and digital content download sites. Better yet, podcasts can increase book sales, signup for courses or newsletters, and even create opportunities for the maker to serve as a guest speaker in industry conferences.

  • Videos

Video content has never been influential as it is today – now that almost every social network supports quality video production and vlogging. Podcasts and videos go hand in hand. Surprisingly, videos and podcasts remain to be largely untapped types of content marketing. Many people still think these contents are costly and hard to run. But with the plummeting cost of professional equipment, making audio and video content is turning out to be easier than it has ever been.

Average Shares By Content Type on Social Media in Singapore

content-analysis-seo-content-type-1-8491635 Source:   content marketing Source: Pinterest

Why Is Content Marketing Important Behind every successful business is plenty of relevant and valuable content that connects well with the brand’s audience. Here are reasons why they deploy content marketing strategies:

Attention Grabber

One of the famous quotes from Steuart Henderson Britt is – Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. Yes, know what you are doing, but no one else does. In the world of marketing, attention decides everything. If no one bothers to know what you are doing then it means you are not making sales. Consumer tastes and attention are shifting rapidly. This is partly because, as commerce integrates with social networking, people are being exposed to more brands and a variety of products more often than before. It has been more successful than most types of digital marketing in capturing the attention of any audience. By providing the audience with content that is valuable and relevant, the audience is more likely to relate and transact with the brand. Perhaps the reason why It is good at arresting the attention of the audience is that people like to respond to things that relate to their life experiences, careers, or anything of their interest.

Helps Build Links

What do you think would make other websites want to connect to your site? The answer is Great Content. If you publish content that connects with your audience, your site could establish itself in the industry as an authority website. If other sites connect with yours because you publish great content, it means significant traffic from those sites will end up on your page. This will help your site attain a higher Domain Authority score and Page Authority score links. These two aspects can boost your Page Authority significantly.

Great Content Boosts Conversions

Here is just a fistful of impressive statistics that highlight its value: It produces six times higher conversion compared to any other digital marketing method As much as 61 percent of online shoppers glance at online reviews before proceeding to make a purchase and strengthens the bond between the brand and the customers Not only should the content be relevant but also authoritative enough to keep the people visiting your site regularly. Once your audience develops trust in your content by making it integral to their endeavors, you can count them as your fan base. Every piece of content you share after that does nothing but strengthen the bond between your brand and the audience. A strong bond means your marketing strategies are almost unbreakable.

Generates Leads for the Brand

The highest importance of content marketing is lead generation. As you already know, the backbone of digital marketing is a lead generation and driving traffic to your site. A brand needs to generate as many leads as possible to generate sustainable revenues and keep itself above the water. It puts your business out there, allowing potential customers to see it when searching for specific items on the internet. If a visitor lands on your website for the first time, they will interrogate the content on the website before making up their mind whether to buy from you or not. Increasing the range of content on your site (free ebooks, how-to videos, etc.) helps you cast your net wider and attract diverse traffic.

Build Brand Awareness

It is one of the most effective yet cheap ways of building awareness to both new and targeted audiences. Video marketing is the best type because it precisely educates the audience about every fine detail of your products in a way that is unforgettable.

Content Marketing Strategies A smart strategy is essential whether you are new to it or you’re a veteran looking forward to improving your old plans. Fierce competition could be another reason why you may want to revamp your plan. Figures show that the best performing B2B marketers allocate as much as 40 percent of their budgets to marketing.

The Basics of a Content Strategy

A content strategy entails the management of any media you own or create; can be written, downloadable, visual, or written. The content strategy defines who you are, what you are doing, and what kind of expertise is onboard. For you to create content that brings the desired growth, you need to establish a realistic content strategy. Here is what to bear in mind while creating a content strategy:

The Type of Audience

Who are you creating the content for? What are their needs? Remember that it is intended to offer something valuable to the audience. Your brand has a variety of clients with different expectations. Your content strategy should also cater to different readers or viewers.

The Problem your Content Should Solve

What are the needs of your audience? Your product or service is intended to satisfy the specific needs of the audience. The same applies to your content – it should coach and educate your audience through the problem while they are on their journey to identify the problem and address it. A great content strategy should recognise everyone involved, including those who are yet to figure out their challenges and those that are already buying your business. The job of the content is to reinforce the solutions you are offering while making the clients qualified consumers of your product or service.

How you Stand Out of the Pack

What makes your approach to be unique? This is an important question to ask yourself because your competitors are competing for the same audience with the same products or services as you. This means you need to convince the audience that you are better than everyone else, or that you are just different. You’ll need to prove it through great content.

The Format of the Content

As aforementioned, there are as many types of content as any wild mind can imagine. Would you opt for infographics or you’re just okay with videos? You’ll need to consider your budget and the feasibility of the format for your business.

Where it will be Published

What channel will you use to publish your content? Different formats of content work on various channels. For instance, if you choose videos as your format, then you’ll rule out Twitter as your channel because YouTube would be better a better alternative. Rich text would work great on your blog.

Managing the Creation and Publication of the Content

This is the toughest part to make decisions. Who is creating what? Where will it be published? When is it going live? There are a plethora of decisions you need to ask yourself when establishing the management structures. You can make it a little simpler by making yourself the central figure of authority, creating a content calendar, and visualising your brand’s message.

How to Create an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

After going through the basics entails, let’s narrow down to the finer details of putting down a solid strategy

Your Brand Personality

Before you even think about this as a strategy, you need to look into your brand and define everything – its look, tone, and value proposition. As a content marketer, you’re to create content in different formats and promote it in multiple places. It’s therefore crucial that you remain focused on delivering a more consistent experience, one geared towards building recognition and trust with your target audience. It’s your responsibility to define what makes you different, unique, and more dedicated to solving your customers’ problems. It’s through content that you get to make a case for all this.

Your Goal

After defining your purpose, the next thing to define would be your goals. What do you wish to accomplish at the end of it all? Examples of goals may include, but are not limited to:

  • Increasing leads
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Increasing the number of shares your pillar content is getting
  • Improving search ranking
  • Increase both macro and micro conversions
  • Generating more site traffic
  • Increase your number of subscribers

With each goal you set, you want to make there’s a numerical value attached to it.

Understanding Your Target Audience

After defining your brand personality and laying down your goals, you want to go ahead and flesh out your target audience. Gather as much data as you possibly can on your target audience. You have to understand the buying journey of your target customers and figure out how to adjust your content marketing strategy to make sure you’re providing the right content at the right time. Without making any effort to understand your target audience, you’re risking creating content for the wrong group of customers.

Find Out Where Your Audience Hangs Online

You have to very analytical when choosing a platform to promote your content on. Depending on what industry you’re in or the type of business you do, some platforms might not be work for you. For instance, if you’re trying to sell cosmetics to Gen Z or millennials, then sinking all your marketing effort into a channel such as LinkedIn might be a wrong move for you. You also have to analyse the platform and get a feel of it to make sure you understand it and the type of content that lives there. For instance, mainstream product reviews or half-witted posts that you see on Facebook wouldn’t work on a site such as Reddit. If you’re targeting YouTube, then you should be at least prepared to post product reviews, tutorials, how-to guidelines, and so on.

Where to Collect Information on Your Target Audience

Here are some of the places that you can collect information on your target audience:

  • Demographic informationGoogle Analytics should be your friend in this. They have all the information you need on your audience demographic. All you have to do is log in and navigate to “Audience » Interests » Overview (where things like age, location, incomes, gender, etc. are broken down). Facebook and Twitter can also provide you with detailed information on your target audience.
  • Behavioural informationNow go on social media and dig through posts that perform well and drive the most conversions and engagements. Do the same thing on your website. Find out which posts drove the most traffic, had the highest bounce rates, had the most conversations, enjoyed the highest number of shares, and so on. This should help you gauge which content performs best and which ones are blatantly horrible.
  • FeedbackUse social media polls, on-site surveys, and emails to collect answers to pressing questions. You can combine this effort with social listening. Use social listening tools such as Mention, Hootsuite, and Keyhole. Find out what your customers are talking about or think about your brand. What industry challenges are they facing, or what do they wish would have been done differently?

At the same time, you want to use these questions to identify all the areas where you’re falling short. What needs aren’t you meeting or addressing?

Getting Started: Run a Content Audit

You have to start by evaluating the content you already have. Performing a content audit allows you to look into the content and see what content you already have and don’t have in your sales cycle.  It’s through the audit that you’ll also get to learn and understand your distribution channel and if you’ve all along been marketing on the wrong channel. It exposes all the gaps and flaws in your previous marketing strategy before pointing you in the right direction.

This Is How a Content Marketing Audit Looks Like

  1. Create Personas for Each Market Segment

You have to collect data from different sources, including Twitter, Facebook, Google Ads, and Google Analytics, and use it to inform each persona.

Example: Tom Hunk

47-old CFO with two kids. He has a very busy schedule but is always free during the weekends. He also enjoys yoga. Tom is seeking (your service) because (of the reasons you researched and found). You also need to determine the pain points and the main motivation for these customers.

  1. Find out which platform they use the most

Determine what type of content is most popular on those platforms (news, jokes, or social content)

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  1. Create a content strategy that aligns with the type of content you identified

Identify the gaps in the content. What do you think is missing? What can be perfected? Is the content up to date? Is it interesting and easy to read? What can you do to make yours better and appealing to that type of audience? Does is it address or answer your customers’ problems?

  1. Create a distributional channel that allows the content to gain maximum exposure

Tips on How to Gain Maximum Exposure on Instagram and Facebook:

    • Find a way to increase your number of followers
    • Identify the key influencers in your space
    • Allocate an advertisement budget for the post
    • Decide how many posts you should make in a wee
    • Work on your content strategy
    • Analyse everything using tools such as FollowerWonk and Buzzsumo

Create a Content Marketing Strategy

There’s more to it than the simple act of creating content and publishing it on your website. It’s also more than the misconstrued act of sharing content on different social media platforms. The best way to understand it is to look at it as a strategic approach that’s focused on attracting the right group of people and engaging them with the aim of turning them into your brand loyalists and advocates.

A Content Marketing Strategy You Can Adopt: The Hub and Spoke Model

This strategy is based on the idea that you have a central hub where all your content is stored and spokes that feed off this content. Depending on your business structure and size, this content hub may be divided into layers, with the spoke model appearing all through your content strategy. For many business owners, the content hub is usually a blog, which features their main content. The spokes, on the other hand, represent the content you repurpose to post on social media, emails, paid ads, slide shares, etc. In most cases, they’ll be promoting your main content. The communities or networks that you create off the hub are to help you increase your content exposure, as well as the links, shares, and traffic your main content gets.

Set Up an Editorial or Content Calendar

One of the most important pieces of a successful campaign is the content calendar. It is what brands use to organise their content and make sure they’re covering all the bases. Remember: your company may have more than one content creator. An editorial calendar is what the company uses to effectively manage all the content pieces, content producers, and publishing schedule.

Things to Include in Your Editorial Calendar:

  • Date
  • Authors
  • Content-Type
  • Content Topic
  • Call to Action (CTA)
  • Editors
  • Main Keyword
  • KPI
  • Publish Date

If you’re a small organisation or business with only a few employees handling your marketing, you don’t have to overcomplicate your editorial calendar. Just create a simple calendar visualisation of deadlines, deliverables, and distribution channels.

Examples of Content Calendars from Some of the World’s Leading Brands

We’ve identified a few brands that we’d like to reconstruct their publishing schedule. Red Bull: We all recognise Red Bull as a company that sells energy drinks. But there’s more to this branding juggernaut than we know. They’re a powerful media powerhouse that just happens to be in the business of selling energy drinks.

  • In a day, the company publishes 11 or 12 blog posts.
  • They also post 9 to 11 times per day on their Facebook page, 7 to 8 times on their Instagram page, and once or twice on Twitter.
  • Red Bull’s audience consists of 20 to 30 years old men. This audience group is most active on Instagram and Facebook. So, it’s only natural that they’d want to publish a large amount of their content on these two platforms.
  • On Twitter, their posts are mostly photos and videos.
  • They also make at least one LinkedIn post per week.

BMW: With more than 27 million followers and close to 7, 000 posts, BMW is hands down one of the most popular brands on Instagram. You must have also noted that their message is pretty much consistent – they’re all about promoting aspirational messages that push people to achieve.

  • BMW uses its blog to show its behind-the-scenes. They use it to inform their customers about what they don’t see in their adverts.
  • They use social media to reinforce their brand instead of using it to sell.
  • They make their followers feel like they’re part of the bigger BMW community.
  • They make about seven blog posts per day on their blog.
  • They post once or twice a day on their Facebook page.
  • They make three posts per day on Instagram. Mostly, their Instagram posts are behind-the-scenes or pictures that reinforce the luxury idea of their brand.
  • They tweet two or three times a day. Usually, it’s a photo or a video showcasing one of their cars.
  • They make about 23 LinkedIn posts per week. They’re all about making their audience feel like they’re part of their products. They’re all about including them in the products that they’re trying to sell to them. You’re not just buying a BMW car but becoming part of the larger BMW community.

Plan, Create and Distribute

The most challenging part of running an effective campaign is creating the said content and pushing it to the digital world. The easiest way to manage everything and make things easy on yourself is to tackle the content by topic. A topic allows you to cover all the bases and figure out the right angle to convey your message in the most consistent manner possible. You can also break down the content into multiple subtopics, where each subtopic addresses a particular concern your users have.

Find Out What Your Competitors are Doing and How Can You Beat Them

You have to study your competitors. What content marketing approach are they using? Ask yourself the following questions to find out how they managed to solve their customers’ problems.

  • What topics are they specialised in or write the most about?
  • How thorough are their answers?
  • How consistent are they?
  • Is there something that they are missing or just not doing right?

Bear in mind that you’ll be speaking to different types of users, in different market segments and at different stages of the sales funnel. The content you create must cater to all these groups of customers and funnel stages – starting with those who have yet to realise their problem to those that are already looking up to your brand for a solution.

How to Measure Content Marketing Results After you’ve created, planned, and executed your strategy, it’s only natural that you’d want to know how things are tagging along. You’d want to track your results and make sure that you aren’t doing anything wrong. The question to answer is, ‘is this strategy making us enough money?” Well, there are a few ways to track your results and find out if you’re on the right track.

Content Marketing Pyramid

This is an analytical tool that lets you visualise your strategy and measure results. It’s a pyramid that’s segmented into three sections. At the top, the apex top of the pyramid, is the first section, Primary indicators. It’s then followed by secondary indicators and lastly, user indicators. 

  • Primary Indicators

    This refers to the indicators that your C-level executives care about the most. In other words, these are the money-generating conversions, directly connected to the number of sales and money that your business makes. They include the number of leads that are converting and the cost per lead
  • Secondary Indicators

    This refers to things like email subscribers, and blog subscribers. These ones feature a step below the money-generating conversions. They’re important to track because they influence sales, despite not being directly connected to them.
  • User Indicators

    These are the indicators that don’t directly translate to sales. They might influence it in one way or another, but that comes with no guarantees. They include things like views, comments, keywords, likes, shares, and so on.

Other Important Content Marketing Metrics

  • Consumption metrics

    This refers to things like social conversations, video views, page views, etc. They’re all about giving you a clear view of how your video is performing.
  • Sharing Metrics

    This refers to things like social media likes, tweets, shares, pins, inbound links, forwards, etc. They’re to show you whether or not your content is performing.
  • Lead Generation Metrics

    This refers to things like email subscriptions, downloads, conversion rates, and blog comments. They’re meant to show you how a piece of content can move someone from a prospect to a customer or brand loyalist.
  • Sales Metrics

    This is the money-generating metric. Remember: you’re in all this for business. You want to make money at the end of it all. It refers to the sales you make both online and offline.

Tools to Help You Out with Content Marketing

These tools help you discover what content to produce. They include:

  • Buzzsumo

    Buzzsumo is made up of so many tools, but it’s widely known as a content discovery tool. Most popularly, it features a content research tool that scours the internet for the most popular content. You can also use it to identify the topics, formats, and strategies that generate the best results.
  • Feedly

    Feedly is designed to help you collect all the blog posts you follow into a single place, so you can never run out of the materials to read.
  • Quora

    Quora is a QA platform where users ask questions and get other members of the platform to answer them. It’s a great platform to find out what people already know about a particular subject. You can use the questions that people ask on the platform to build relevant blog posts.
  • Reddit

    Reddit is an online platform where people share thoughts, and ideas, and ask relevant questions on different topics. It’s a great platform for uncovering topics and finding insights or what your audience already knows about a particular subject or topic.
  • Alltop

    Alltop indexes different articles and blogs and makes it all available on the platform for you to dig through.
  • Medium

    Medium is an open blogging platform with so many high-quality blog posts. It’s a great platform for finding some perspective on a given topic and finding a pulse of what’s happening in the world of tech, cybersecurity, cryptocurrencies, and so forth.
  • Social Animal

    Social Animal was recently introduced as a platform for finding the best-performing articles on the internet. Other than that, the tool has some pretty useful information that might prove helpful in your marketing campaign – keyword performance, posts that are trending on Facebook, and so on. You can also use the tool to identify key influencers, domains that link to your competition, and so on. In other words, it doubles as a great tool for identifying the backlink opportunities around you and the influencers to work with.

Tools to Help You Out with Content Writing

  • Hemingway

    Hemmingway is a free writing tool that serves to help you write without distractions. It’s also meant to help you cut on all the fluff and get straight to the point. It highlights the passive voice, overly complex language, and unnecessary adverbs just to make your content more readable.
  • Grammarly

    You’ll agree no matter how perfect your writing is; some grammatical mistakes will escape your eyes. Grammarly is the leading grammar checking tool, and it goes beyond checking the basic grammar mistakes, such as spelling. The tool can also provide some useful insight into your article’s originality, tone, and engagement, and even point out to all the instances of passive voice.
  • Contently

    Contently is an all-inclusive content writing platform that seeks to link you up with freelance writers. Remember, the platform vets every single one of its writers. So, there’s no doubt that quality is guaranteed by them.

Tools to Help You Out with Content Distribution

  • Buffer

    Buffer is a social media marketing tool that lets you curate social media content and schedule your posts. It can also analyse results and even help you out with engagement.
  • MailChimp

    MailChimp is the world’s leading email marketing tool. It’s designed to help you create email marketing campaigns from scratch, build your email list, and even schedule your email marketing campaigns.

Tools to Help you Out with Content Creation

  • Canva

    Helps you with creating custom visuals – logos, banners, posters, and social media graphics. It’s a useful tool for repurposing your brand or product imagery, creating infographics, and making some tweaks to a stock photo, so they don’t have to look like, well, stock.
  • Google Keyword Planner

    As the name suggests, the Google keyword planner is the tool you use to plan for each keyword that you get. You can also use it to find more information about a particular keyword, like the number of searches it gets in a month.

The Reason Why Marketers Need to Have A Working Strategy When everything is done correctly, a simple blog with great content can generate insane leads for a business for a long time. Here are some helpful steps:

Step 1 – Define your Goal

Begin by defining the aim of creating a content marketing strategy. Why do you think you need a plan? How will you execute your goals? If you can’t figure out how to come up with precise goals, consider following this free yet comprehensive goal planning guide.

Step 2 – Conduct Persona Research

Person, or buyer person, refers to the characteristics of your target audience. By knowing the characteristics of your target, you’ll be able to create more valuable and relevant content that will impress them. Persona research is a necessity for veteran marketers as well because the target might have changed with time. There might also be the need to target new groups.

Step 3 – Audit your Content

Is your content in order as you would want it to be? Which content do you want to begin with? It is common for most beginners to start with blog posts and nothing else. That’s perfectly okay, as long as you have it figured well from the start. If you have been in the industry for a considerable period, you may review your efforts, analyse the results from previous, and identify the areas that need improvements.

Step 4 – Pick the Right Content Management System

Have some mechanisms in place to manage such vital parts as content creation, analytics, and publication. Identify the tools you would need to manage your content before publishing it. Such software as HubSpot and WP Engine (for WordPress) would be of help.

Step 5 – Brainstorm Some Content Ideas

Lastly, generate ideas for your content project. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools – BlogAbout, HubSpot’s Site Grader, BuzzSummo, Feedly, etc. – that can prove to be highly resourceful to your business.

How Content Marketing Can Help Your Digital Marketing In Singapore

With content, you’re giving details to potential customers about why you consider your brand as the best in comparison to competitors in the market. You want the clients to believe that the products or services you offer are right for them. However, you have to submit only the relevant and useful writing to all potential and current buyers. In this way, you help them find answers to their problems. What we mean is, instead of getting out to the actual market, you get to enlist all the features of your products in a slow game. The main aim is to generate content that increases conversion rates on your website, which in return will result in more sales. We can build content that converses with your potential customers about their problem points. It should discuss your values and why they should consider you as the solution to the challenges facing them.

How You Create Content and Why it’s Important

The best way towards doing it is the use of stories. Stories are universal ingredients used in all fields of life. And the most important is their impact on the marketing industry.

But Why Use Stories?

Human beings are very emotional and create feelings quickly. By telling a story, therefore, you create a connection with your potential customers. You’re able to come out with emotions, and as a result, the information easily gets displayed. If the content of your narrative is well written, you can bring a sense of happiness, urgency, and hope all in a single message. And this becomes simpler with the rapid growth of digital platforms. You can translate the story of your company, services, or products on different social media platforms Tom Koh, a leading digital marketing consultant says: that storytelling comes out as the most rewarding way of displaying ideas in the real world. And this fact comes out clear at all times. If you pay attention to the news in marketing, you’ll understand the power of storytelling in this industry. Today, we do digital storytelling. In these changes come different perspectives with a revised set of favourable practices. And this keeps you safe from the unnecessary noises online. But when we talk about noise, what do we refer to? To answer this question, let’s take the case of someone who is scrolling through his favourite social media platform or someone who is going through his email messages. He or she can express either ad overload or ad blindness. Ad overload happens when the individual sees all the ads but feels overloaded. And this may be a result of the excessive presence of the feeds on to his page. On the other hand, advert blindness is when the user intentionally or unintentionally doesn’t notice the presence of your advert. Whether it was with intentions or not, it means that the user didn’t see the advert. With the two cases, you need to understand why it’s essential to create a unique story. But how do you come up with a story that will stand above all other tales available online? Consider employing the following steps to achieve this.

  1. Understand that not all tales are good stories: when creating your fantasy, it needs you to understand what a good narrative should look. Create a tale that will connect you with something you consider bigger than your business. In this way, you are capable of closing the gap for your target audience. To achieve this, you’ll have to understand what their needs are and create a story that explains how you can help them settle their wants.
  2. Use Curiosity Gap: if you want to create an ideal anecdote, create one that solves the short-term attention of the consumers. Remember that, people will only create time for those they want. Most of the time, people will read an advert online and immediately forget about that. What such stories lack is a curiosity gap. A curiosity gap between what customers want to know and what they already know is the best way to maintain their attention. They aim to stay engaged until they get full answers to their questions. Engaging your customers needs you to create soothing they can rely on for all they want to know to advance their knowledge.
  3. Make it serve an Educational or Promotional purpose: when you are writing the content of your story, you should remain a customer focus and not on sales. It requires no specific information about the products and services you offer. Instead, aim to create customer value in the content. You should target to be a credible source of information for their needs. By doing this, you gain their loyalty and trust which increases your business’ awareness of your potential customers. Remember that, determining the content of your writing is the same way as discovering your audience.
Top Tips On How To Market Notary Public Services In Singapore

When we talk of content size, it can be snackable or the bitesize such as this example: For such a short video, it helps business owners to pay undivided attention to the important things first. As a result, they can spend most of their time learning more about what matters for their businesses. It also helps them understand whether or not it’s important to define their target audience. Here are some examples of video snippets and ads that did very well in Singapore: In this case, neither of the two marketing pieces makes direct sales to the target audience. However, they make the customers feel more interested in what the company is doing. They get filled with a need to go through our website and to read through the blogs available. It means that the feeling of Forever 21 can keep customers coming back over and over again. Content marketing can include case studies, webinars, forums, checklists, infographics, and white papers. Other examples include eBooks, newsletters, podcasts, and presentations among other materials. Such cases can get combated into snackable or bite-sized content for marketing. For subject matters, it needs you to tell a fresh story. Create a new perspective of your company. Explain who you are and what you offer to your customers. Make sure to get out of your box and create an exciting story.


What You Have to Remember when Defining Content Marketing

  1. It is an Investment: one of the best ways to define what the content you aim to create should be is to take it as an investment.

Many business owners don’t know if their strategies are working things out or not. As a matter of fact, statistics indicate that only an approximate 41% of firm owners know the effectiveness of their marketing. It means that about 59% of the business owners know nothing to do with the effectiveness of their strategy.

  1. People Love Content: Another thing that you need to know about content marketing is that it wins customers. According to statistics, more than 82% of target customers have a positive feeling about companies that employ it as a channel of advertising their services. It means that, for every dollar spent in the marketing fields, there are 3X leads. Such leads are quality leads. And this implies that people get close to content that solves their problems. Such a customer creates a faster connection with your target audience. Make sure to have statistics to attain proper optimisation of your strategies resulting in maximum results. Some of the best things you can expect include:
  • Higher conversion rates of visitors to become quality leads,
  • Increased purchases lead to more sales,
  • More clicks, and lastly
  • High sales rates capabilities of your business.

We, therefore, recommend that you employ proper analytic tools. By doing this, there is an assurance to boost the rate of business success to high frequencies over a short period o time.

Who does content marketing suite?

Many of us tend to think that we don’t qualify to use it. However, I can comfortably confirm that everyone is eligible to apply for this form of marketing. Users range from marketers, and content curators to business owners. An excellent example of companies that employ such strategies in the promotion of their products includes Microsoft, P$G, John Deere, and Cisco Systems among other prominent organisations. Our advice is you consider writing content as many times as possible. Make sure to base the writing on things that make more sense to your business. Do not make fluff content to fill your pages. Instead, be informative and educative to your target audience. When posting the content, make sure to use digital marketing platforms so that your target audience is more likely to be engaged. Include it in blogs of your company, social media websites, and emails among other platforms.  


Marketing Goals Served by Content Marketing

Considering that content is useful in all marketing strategies, there is no goal that you cannot achieve using the material. However, the primary goals that marketers focus on include the following:

  • UX enhancement
  • Channel marketing
  • Partnerships
  • Cross-selling and up-selling
  • Client evangelism
  • Customer loyalty and retention
  • Nurturing Leads
  • Boosting purchases
  • Engagements
  • Generation of leads
  • Brand awareness

Although these are the main objectives, you should also consider the goals of your audience.

The strategy of Content Marketing – Creating A Plan

You need to determine how you can organise your content internally, the teams involved, the external contributors, the roles of the content, and the person who monitors the content.

The Steps Towards A Successful Content Management Strategy

The success of your content management approaches depends on your business objectives. Since content marketing cannot be achieved overnight, it is a combination of long-term and short-term goals that enable you to get fast results.

Developing A Culture for Your Content

 Governing, Management, Capturing, And Identification Content marketing involves giving a narrative of the reasons for launching your brand. These reasons always revolve around your target market. So, it is important to capture your target audience’s topics of interest. It involves the creation and analysis of content to boost your ROI. You need to identify the social activities of your audience and develop your content based on this information.

Connection Between Content Management and Content Marketing

The idea of generating content strategically as part of developing an advertising culture that is based on the needs of your clients. However, capturing alone is not enough, you require a means to manage your content. Content management involves understanding where your content rests, collaborations, and governance.

Content Sharing, Marketing, and Storytelling

Storytelling, content marketing, and content sharing go hand in hand. Storytelling is one of the best ways humans use to pass traditions and knowledge, and mesmerise audiences. In this digital era, new methods are utilised to influence storytelling for online content marketing. It is evident that the storytelling rules are also applicable in the online world. Several forms of storytelling that are based on digital resources are getting created to appeal to the audiences. Every content marketer should consider using the art of storytelling for their digital marketing to be successful.

Metrics, Measurement, and ROI of Content Marketing

There are various blog posts on this site discussing ROI, Analytics, and Metrics. 

Content and Various Types of Media

The best content marketing strategy is an integrated one. In reality, it needs a combination of media and channels. Analysts and marketers of content always speak about five types of media:

  1. Converged: this is where all things are connected using an integrated perspective.
  2. Paid: it is the media where you need to pay to market your content.
  3. Shared: it is media that is driven by the community
  4. Earned: it is a primary media platform where other people speak of you.
  5. Owned: The platforms that you own, like a website or a blog.

Curating Content

Content curation and sharing have become popular among clients. It is a universal method of filtering, analysing, and categorising content. Several businesses are now using content curation in a broader context. If you decide to use content curation, you need to understand what it is, what it can do, and how to pick the right platform for curating content.

Social Marketing and Content Marketing

Marketing content goes together with various marketing strategies, including email marketingsearch engine marketing, and social marketing. Apart from editorial calendars and content marketing plans, businesses always have ideas for particular content formats, purposes, and channels. Social media is one of the natural supporters of content marketing from a media perspective. It has a specific strategy including distribution, ideation elements, engagement approach, and content creation concepts.

Digital Content Marketing

Content marketing is not solely digital, but the digital aspect plays a significant role since digital sources are increasingly becoming crucial among the buyers and the lifecycle of the clients – and most importantly their preferences and buying behaviours. Today’s marketers cannot accomplish their marketing efforts without having a holistic approach to digital content marketing.

PR and Content Marketing

An excellent communicator understands how to analyse, connect, comprehend, and utilise social content. Currently, even the PR agencies and PR solution-providers have incorporated content marketing in their digital marketing strategy. In most cases, these organisations confuse PR and content marketing as the content they create proves. PR should contain content marketing since much of what is included in PR centres on content.

More Advice for A Successful Content Marketing

No single content marketing strategy does everything for businesses. However, various elements exist to bring about successful content marketing strategies

  • Addressing questions from the clients: One of the approaches to a successful content marketing is responding to pain points and questions from your clients in a good way. It works best for small businesses.
  • Collaboration and integration: the success of your content marketing depends on the maturity of your strategies too. Each marketing stage needs you to be able to collaborate and integrate with various team players.
  • Content Marketing Frameworks: Several frameworks and models for building a content marketing approach exist. Each of them has its tactic because each business has a different content marketing strategy.
  • Analysing the needs of your clients: The client journey is dynamic. The customers now have more information and channels, more choice and control, and more touch points. Understanding the needs and preferences of your client and create helpful and relevant content that cleverly promotes your brand while satisfying these needs.
  • Roadmaps and maturity models for content marketing: These include more than assessments and benchmarking. Tracking the maturity of your content marketing assists you to plan and take actions on areas various marketing areas that are not functional.
  • Integrated Content Marketing: There is a need to concentrate on the experiences of your clients, client-centricity, and integration.
  • Audience segmentation: Correlating your business objectives with your target customers is essential in marketing. You can segment your audience based on various demographics like age, sex, location, and interests – then create content based on this information.
  • Understanding consumer networks: Individuals are connected. You need to understand how consumers are connected by learning the channels they use most and their connection with others to serve them in a better way and boost the success of your business. It is more complicated but very crucial.

Software for Content Marketing

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With the increasing significance of content in digital marketing, various software is getting developed. Some software for content marketing focuses more on practical elements like SEO while others concentrate on editorial calendars, collaborations, and planning. Other platforms focus on curating content and social sharing. And there are those that include all these aspects. Some of these platforms are closely linked with automated marketing platforms. The content marketing software industry is developing and evolving very fast, with various players getting acquired by large marketing software developers. Content management firms are also emerging, and new marketing features are being created. So, you need to classify them and determine the choice that best suits your needs as the market is evolving very fast. Use the tools that serve your personal goals best.

Is Content Marketing equal to Content plus Marketing?

The primary issue is how you can use content marketing to give value to your audiences, clients, and business based on the areas of application, opportunities, and challenges. There are two reasonable issues when it comes to the two words that make up the term content marketing:

  • The “content” word has faced various questions on what it means precisely. We will not discuss that for now, but it is evident that it can result in extra confusion concerning the who, how, why, and what aspects of marketing.
  • The “marketing” word of content marketing can confuse because  marketing is used for more than just strict marketing determinations. It is also utilised for public relations and boosting sales. A good marketing strategy puts more focus on consumer tan marketing. So, content marketing is not much associated with marketing.

History of Content Marketing

Content marketing is not a new term, it has been in existence since the early 90s, but it gained popularity around 2008. However, marketing is shifting towards digital, and people are currently looking at it in a way that is related to the invention of the internet. Because of the current success of the termmarketing and its awareness among marketers, the term content marketing has various applications and tactics in the online marketing context, ranging from Search Engine Optimization to social media marketing and online advertising.

Having A Blog: The Content Hub for Most Businesses

In most social media and other digital marketing strategies, blogs have a crucial role to play. A blog is the centre of all social activities and content. Blogs offer several benefits when it comes to content marketing. Whether your business requires a blog or not depends on your business objectives. However, that does not mean that your business should be centred on your company, it should focus on satisfying the needs of your clients. Using blogs offer various integral benefits to your business, and can serve multiple marketing goals, and this is a good reason for you to get started. If you don’t own a blog, consider creating one. If you have one, boost it into a cooperate blog. Studies have shown that 89% of B2B marketers use content marketing to reach their target audience. How well marketers execute their strategy determines the results that they achieve at the end. Today, we will reveal to you three of the common mistakes that most B2B marketers make and how you can avoid them to ensure that your Singapore marketing strategy is successful.

Exhausting Your Audience

According to a report by Marketing Profs, more than two million blog posts are written and published online every day. Marketers are painstakingly laboring to outdo each other by posting as much content on their blog as possible. As a result, they end up publishing hundreds of mediocre content and posting sub-par updates on social media pages. Unknown to them is that this move is counterproductive as soon or later, the target audience switches off and starts ignoring the constant email notifications of new content. Sure, fresh content will give you an upper hand, but you should not go overboard. Your primary focus should be creating fewer high-quality pieces not hundreds of low-quality blogs per week.

Trying to Impress by Creating Greater Importance than actually what is possessed

The most successful Singapore digital marketing agencies have mastered the art of setting up a steady flow of content without being too pretentious. Filling up your content with douche buzzwords and complicated terms that only a few individual understand will set back your audience. There is a very fine line between creating content that shows the audience you are smart and understand the industry and being pretentious. Concisely, using complicated words that only a handful of people understand will make you lose a majority of the audience. One of the best ways of avoiding being pretentious is by sticking to a conversational and natural tone when writing the content. Assume you are discussing the topic with a friend or colleague who barely understands the topic.

Thinking Of Content Marketing To Get More Leads In Singapore? Set Your KPIs Right Regardless of what field you operate in, you’ve probably heard about KPIs and how central they’re to your online success. Whether you’re operating a school, hospital, or a web development and marketing agency, there exist numerous ways to employ KPIs and propel your business to even greater heights of success. Although they tend to vary from one business to another, their basic ingredients are more the same. Essentially, KPIs are the metrics that represent the number of pain points your business or company tracks, all with an aim to solve problems or offer valuable insight to both current and future wellbeing of your business. At core, KPIs can be broadly classified into two – leading indicators and lagging indicator.

Leading Indicators

These ones are basically aimed at giving you a clear glimpse of what your future looks likes. They do this by highlighting on some of the key areas that need improvement in the marketing strategies you employ.

Lagging Indicators

These ones offer a detailed report of your business actions after a given period of time, based on a series of accumulative activities including your sales revenue. A great KPI focuses on offering a healthy mix of the two types of indicators.

Attributes of an Effective KPI

Obtainable and Measurable

Can the KPI metric you’re tracking available in the first place? If NOT, then there’s no way you’ll be able to use it. For instance, assuming ‘net PPC score’ metric is not provided; then how do you intend to use it as a KPI? Same goes for unquantifiable events – like your customers’ level of frustration after they abandoned the shopping cart a couple of times. If something can’t be measured then there’s no way they can be used as a KPI.

This drives us to two conclusions:
  1. When finding a KPI, it’s important to first ensure that it’s available. If it can’t be seen or accessed, then it obviously can’t be used.
  2. When finding your business KPIs, it’s crucial to ensure there exist a mechanism or tool to both measure and prepare a detailed report on the KPI.

Higher magnitude of Impact

The KPI you settle for must guarantee results. If its impact isn’t big enough to propel your business to an even greater level of success, then it’s pretty obvious the KPI isn’t good enough.


The KPI you settle for must align with your business goals. Besides impacting your business high enough, they must be able to help you achieve something relevant to your line of work or service.


You’re NOT interested in receiving a KPI for the sake of it. You want the KPI to have significant value to your business operations. You want it to provide valuable insights that you can use to take quick actions towards your business.


Your KPI should be available when you need it. That’s important because you want to make timely decisions. If your KPI takes weeks or months to compute, then it’s certainly going to be pretty hard for you to act on time. In which case, the KPI just isn’t good enough for your consideration.

Choosing Your KPI for Social Media

Social media KPIs are designed to help businesses understand how their social media campaigns are doing and whether there’s a need to make necessary adjustments to their strategy. There exists countless number of metrics that you can measure on social media. Here’s a list of all the important ones:

  • How many people have seen or heard about your brand
  • How often do online visitors engage with your business?
  • At what rate does the engagement translate into a conversion?
  • What’s the overall impact of the KPI to your customer base?

Having said that, let’s shed some light on content marketing KPIs and how they can be measured, plus the meaning they have in relation to your business. This post focuses on the different types of KPIs organisation:

  • Business to Consumer
  • Business to Business
  • Content Publisher

Content Publisher

Bloggers, online entertainment portals and news companies get by the money they earn from advertising. But in order for them to be able to sell more advertisement space, then they have to come up with viable ways to keep their site more attractive to both advertisers and online visitors: One way to do this is to sign up for paid subscriptions where you’ll be tracking the income trickling in through conversions. Another important KPI is the one that proves your site is receiving lots of visitors. Commonly referred to eyeballs, these are the number of people your site attracts on daily basis and the more the number, the more attractive your site is to online advertisers. Two important metric to observe for this KPI is the number of visitors your site is attracting and the number of social shares your content attracts, and which go a long way to increase your online visibility.

Business to Consumer Content KPI

As B2C company attempting to market online, your main goal should be to sell more of your products and services to target customer. Which is to say the most important metric to measure as your KPI are your sales volume and revenue. With these KPIs, you should be able to find out how much money you’re making or likely to make by the end of it all. Any metric that impacts the amount of profit you’re likely to make should be your main KPI. While secondary KPIs may impact your profit, they’re NOT directly linked to your profit stream. But that’s NOT to say they’re NOT important, considering any minor improvement in these KPI propels you a step further to making a sale. That’s because when they improve then the improvement gets translated to your main KPI, hence more profits on your side. The impact generated by secondary KPIs tend to differ depending on the size of your company. For larger organisations, there will be multiple stakeholders, and the main executives may decide to shift all their focus on the main KPIs. For growing organisations, where emp0loyees are assigned multiple roles, the company may see the need to focus on secondary KPIs. And that’s because their impact can be directly felt on the yielding results of their marketing effort.

Business to Business Content KPIs

Business to business companies operate a lot like partnerships. It’s just that their business cycle tend to take much longer to a point that closing a single sale may even take you several months. Starts with businesses meeting and demonstrating their products or what it is they’re offering. This will then be followed by them signing a non-disclosure agreement, after which they can choose to embark on negotiating terms. If you happen to operate B2B Company, then your concern shouldn’t be about the sales or revenue you make, but with the amount of leads you’re able to generate at the end of it all. There’s no harm in calling the leads you generate a ‘conversion’. But the difference is that you’re NOT necessarily selling a product or service. But considering it requires you to gather contact info from a target client, then in a way, you’ll still be converting them from possible customers to customers with loads of buying intent.  

Clever Content Marketing Strategies You Can Execute In Singapore Many Singapore business owners spend a lot of time trying to figure out why some of their content ideas get links and others don’t. There can be several possible reasons for this, but one area that they should pay close attention to is their execution. Let’s explore several parts of the content marketing strategy including the idea, the resources you have available to you, the timeline that you are working according to, the formats available to you, and the appeal to emotions.

1. The idea

Most bloggers will tell you that it is not easy to come up with an idea that is link-worthy. Not only does it take a lot of time, but also a significant amount of experience. It’s important to remember that there is a huge difference between a good idea and a good idea that actually gets links. If you come up with a solid idea, that is relevant to your business and has a good chance of attracting links, then there are a few things you need to remember.  First, you need to drill your idea down to the point you’re interested in making. You should do what you can to ensure that this point doesn’t get lost in the content. This means placing it in a prominent place in your copy brief or design and offering feedback if it happens to get lost. It may be clear to you, but you must make sure that it’s clear to others. Next, make sure that your execution doesn’t overshadow your idea. This may be difficult to control, especially if you are working with a design team and are putting it in the form of an infographic. You need to make sure things remain as minimalistic as possible. Don’t overcomplicate things with too many images.

2. Execution resources

If you have figure out extremely interesting ways to bring your ideas to life, then it’s easy to get swept away and become unrealistic. However, it’s important to keep your resources and budget in mind. Perhaps you think your audience would enjoy interactive data visualisation.  If you don’t have the budget not the resources for front-end development then this is something you should think about upfront. There are a few things you should consider when it comes to time and budget. First, you need to think about the copywriting.  Depending on how complex your idea is, you may need to work with a specialist copywriter–an individual who is good with headlines. If not perhaps your team can handle. But you should never underestimate the importance of good copy, specifically if you are pitching the content to industry experts or journalists. Next, think about the design. There’s a good chance that you’ll need a designer. Perhaps you have one on your team or you work with freelancers. If you are someone who happens to have access to various designers, then take the time to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to development and interactive content, you need to look for a good front-end developer. The type of developer you need will depend on your project. If you’re accessing live data through APIs or you are working with interactive databases, then you need a backend developer.

3. Your timeline

Another important factor when deciding on your execution is how much time you have.  If you are centering your idea around a specific event or awareness day, then you need to be confident that your method of execution will be complete and uploaded to the site in plenty of time. This is especially the case when it comes to holidays. If people are out of the office during certain holidays, then you need to make sure that the post is scheduled in time enough for them to share it.

4. Format ranges

The best part about creating content is that it allows you to be creative. This is especially when it comes to the format in which you would like to release your content. There are several ways to execute your link-building ideas, but let’s discuss the most common:

Static Infographics

The use of infographics has evolved over time. While the digital marketing community used to love them, with time the visual quality has gone down and the messages have been poor. However, they can still be extremely profitable for your business if done well. In terms of execution, static infographics are relatively simple and straightforward. The only thing you need to do is hire a designer and get access to a content management system (CMS) on which to upload them. On the other hand, interactive infographics, infographics which allow the user to interact with the content will require help from a designer. It also requires a significant amount of resources and testing.

Data Visualisations

Data visualisations can help to drive a significant amount of links. When it comes to execution, they are similar to interactive infographics, except the developer you choose will need to be advanced. Specifically, they will need to be familiar with JavaScript libraries.


GIFs and fun and simple to execute. They’re also a great way to present your audience with something that looks interactive but does not require any time to develop. Good designers can create gifs that present an idea or tells a story. Whether or not you choose to use a .gif depends on the point that you would like to make.

5. Appeal to emotions

While all of these elements may help you to create the ultimate linkable content, one of the best ways to ensure that your content gets links is to appeal to the audience’s emotions. More specifically, it’s a good idea to appeal to positive emotions as this will help to instill a sense of trust and make people want to share. So make sure that you consult your content marketing team about the themes of your content. What tone should each piece take on? The best copywriters know how to convey the emotions needed, no matter the subject matter.

Why You Should Hire a Content Marketing Agency

One of the most significant dilemmas when launching a content marketing campaign is deciding on whether to hire a professional agency or use an in-house team. For a small business, this decision is particularly important because marketing is a significant investment. The following are some of the reasons why you should hire a professional content marketing agency.

You Get the Best Talent in the Field

This is perhaps the most significant advantage of hiring professionals to handle your content marketing campaign. You have the freedom of abandoning an agency if they do not meet your objectives. Furthermore, the agencies will be more committed to ensuring you achieve your goals to keep you as their client.

You Pay for What You Get

When you hire an agency, you save the amount that you would have otherwise spent on legalities, infrastructure, and so forth. The only money you spend will be the fee you pay to the professionals.

It Saves Time

As seen above, some types of content such as long-form posts and whitepapers take time to create. Outsourcing such tasks to content marketing agencies save you time and allow you to focus on other areas of your business.

You Work With Professionals

 If you are a first-timer, content marketing can be quite challenging. Agencies can be useful in such situations because of their experience in the industry. You can leverage this knowledge to ensure that your marketing efforts bear success.

It Offers Flexibility

 Unlike the case with an in-house team, you can end the contract with an agency any time you wish to. This comes in handy when you do not have sufficient funds to run the content marketing campaign. Once the money becomes available, you can resume the contract.

A Streamlined Marketing Campaign

Content marketing agency usually has all the resources need to run a successful campaign. These include keyword research tools, analytics platforms, audience demographics, and so forth.

Uninterrupted Content Production

One of the most prevalent challenges to content marketing efforts is the ability to produce valuable content consistently. The only to do it is by having a dedicated team that has exposure to niche content. A content market agency is more equipped to handle such issues than an in-house team.  

Top Content Marketing Agencies in Singapore

Now that you know the overall state of content marketing in Singapore and what you can achieve with it, the next thing you might be interested in is a list of the top content marketing agencies in the region. In this section of the post, we’ll be running a comprehensive list of the best content marketing agencies in the country. We encourage you to read the reviews, study their notable projects, and compare prices to figure out which one among them strikes the best chord with your content needs. Here goes the list:


best singapore based digital marketing jobs MediaOne stands tall as one of the leading content marketing agencies in Singapore. With a workforce comprising of a group of dreamers, problem solvers, creators, and thinkers, the company has grown to be among the top three digital marketing agencies in Singapore. They’re a living example of how far you can get with content marketing. Even better, the company isn’t just there to ride the wave of online interactions. If anything, the company was in business way before the tide was merely a ripple, and they stuck around, as they strategically worked their way to the top. With a decade of digital marketing experience, the company knows what works and what doesn’t. They also understand the critical elements of what makes a piece of article more likely to garner thousands of social shares and go viral. But what’s even more important is the fact that they know how to make it work for their clients as well. One thing the agency excels at is content creation. Otherwise referred to as native advertising, the agency has mastered the art of seamlessly working their content into real-life experiences of their target users. They also how to structure their content to match a specific channel or web platform. By doing this, they’re able to preserve the immersive experience of their users, which goes at length to skyrocket both your content’s engagement and click-through rates. Allow us to say their effective content marketing strategy comes to the aid of businesses and brands that are looking for fresh ways to reach critical consumers that are hard to impress with traditional ads. Services Offered: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Web Development, Web Designing, Social Media Marketing, PPC Management. Clients: MayBank, Direct Asia, Guardian, ST Electronics, Changi Airport Singapore, Noel, EDB Singapore, Lithan, Sheng Siong, and SingTel. Contact Info: Physical Address: 1 Neil Road #03-02 Singapore 088804 Phone Number: +65 6789 9852 Email Address:  

Enveritas Group Ltd

Enveritas is one of the leading content marketing firms in Singapore. Though headquartered in Greenville, SC, the company has offices in Singapore and the UK. The agency has been in the business content marketing for more than a decade, having stepped into the field of content creation in 1999. And as we speak, it has grown to accommodate a workforce of more than 100 employees. Besides content marketing, the company is also known for providing a broad range of other web marketing services, including SEO, web designing, social media marketing, digital strategy, and content marketing strategy. The bulk of the company’s clientèle are enterprises and mid-size companies in a large variety of industry verticals including healthcare, arts, and education. Overall, Enveritas still stands as a content creation firm you should consider contacting if you ever find yourself overwhelmed with content creation work and are looking for someone to outsource some of the work to. So at the core, the Enveritas Group focuses on writing killer blog posts and mind-boggling web content that’s highly converting. Number of Employees: 100+ Year Founded: 1999 Clients: Marriott, Holiday Inn, Nintendo, Wika, Email:


Withcontent prides itself on being one of the most sought-after content creation agencies in Singapore. As claimed on their site, the company writes with the sole aim of leaving an impression in both the mind and heart of the reader they’re targeting. So they focus on writing for the reader and NOT search engines and bots as with many of the content developers you know. Their workforce is comprised of both writers and editors that are the basis of the company’s success story. Their pricing is reasonable, starting at S$500. Keep in mind that this price is inclusive of their intensive research, sourcing of accompanying images, on-page SEO, and two rounds of editing. Phone Number: +65 9006 9271 Email: Clients: TechinAsia, Saleswhale, 100Offer, Oddle, travelstop, HP, Vertex Ventures, Wantedly, Wave Maker, and Xero to name a few.


Click2view is a well-known B2B content creation agency consisting of a team of filmmakers and journalists with a knack for playing around with words to churn out compelling content for different brands. The agency prides itself on working with some of the big names in the industry and for working with a team of the most talented content creators in the industry. What distinguishes Click2view from the other content creation agencies is that they’re focused on producing all forms of content, from video production, editorial content, to content marketing and strategy. This makes them your ultimate content solution, whether you’re looking for an agency to help you with shooting your videos, scripting, storyboarding, video directing, filming, post-production marketing, article writing, copywriting, or content marketing and strategy in general. Clients: Microsoft, Workday, Deloitte, Goodman Fielder, GoSolo, CISCO, Samsung, Mediacorp, Singtel, Nagel, Deli, Park Bench, etc. Services Offered: Video Production, Editorials Services, and Content Marketing. Contact Info:   Company Name: Click2view Pte Ltd Address: 70 Shenton Way #10-06 Eon at Shenton Singapore, 079118 Telephone Number: +65 6221 3395 Email:

Adelphi Digital  

Adelphi is a digital consultancy firm that also dabbles in content marketing. Since its dawn, the agency has been focused on helping businesses from all across Singapore craft compelling articles for SEO, branding, and marketing their offers. Adelphi isn’t just your ordinary content marketing agency. For all we know, the company offers all-rounded digital marketing solutions that are targeted towards scaling your business to greater heights of success. For instance, you can hire the company to help you set up a reliable roadmap for your business and some sound strategies that will be propelling you closer to your business objectives. Services Offered: Digital Business Strategy, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Web Development, Digital Government, and data Contact Info:  41 Duxton Hill Level 2 Singapore, 089619 Phone Number: +65 6603 6020 Email Address: Website:


Dentsu emerged atop as the leading content marketing agency in Singapore in 2015, and since then, the company hasn’t slacked a bit. There’s a reason the company has been winning new clients from left right and centre. And that’s because their projects sell them. New clients walk in, the company serves them to the best of their satisfaction, and the next thing you know, the company is experiencing an influx of new clients. That’s what Dentsu is widely known for. But there’s more, starting with their thinking process. With more than 80 employees on their payroll, Dentsu is a fully-integrated communications agency, offering multifaceted digital marketing services to different types of businesses in Singapore. And instead of jumping on every assigned project as many marketers do, Dentsu offers itself to clients as a marketing partner, where they’ll be closely working with you to raise your stakes for business and get more sales rolling. Their mission of operation is to exceed the expectations you have as a client, whether it’s through helping you market your business or craft compelling blog posts or web content. Services Offered: Marketing and Communication Strategies, Content Creation, SEO, Marketing Analysis, Brand Tracking, Media Planning, Mobile Applications, and Web Development. Clients: Canon, Shiseido, and Zoomable. Number of Employees: 80+ Contact Info: Phone Number: +65 6743 0110 Physical Location:   1 Wallich Street, Level 22 Guoco Tower Singapore, 078881 Email Address:

Evolve Digitas

Evolve Digitas is a digital marketing agency offering a whole gamut of digital marketing services including Conversion Optimisation, Video Development, SEO, Infographics, SEM, Local Business, Social Media Management, Online Advertising, Landing Page Designing, Responsive web designing, and so forth. The agency is also known for offering content marketing solutions, right from content creation, to strategic planning, and the marketing bit of it. Driven with a strong passion for excellence, the agency employs an innovating working methodology in all their projects, coupled with a brilliant execution plan that goes to ensure that none of their completed projects comes short in the quality department. Clients: Unilever, Samsung, Nokia, Microsoft, American Express, JLL, Blue Air, Arvind, and Tyco. Services Offered:   Contact Info:   101 Cecil Street #11-10 Tong Eng Building Singapore, 069533 Email:

Wave Asia

Wave Asia is a full-service digital marketing firm that excels in brand creation, content marketing, SEO, PPC, Social Media marketing, and all things digital marketing. The company focuses on driving results. They’re among the most confident marketers in Singapore, and they have a rich portfolio to back it up. Exceptional creativity laced with vision and cutting edge technology is what the agency pours behind their quality bar. They’ll then add flame it to fashion one of the most exciting, eye-catching final product that will be giving your competitors sleepless nights as they strive to figure out the secret behind your success. Services Offered: Web Development, Content Marketing, Graphics Design, Pay Per Click, Social Media Marketing, and SEO. Address: 59 New Bridge Rd 059 405 Phone Number: +65 9297 9846 +65 8742 2275 Website: Email:

Metia Inc

Metia Inc is a global digital marketing firm that’s been in the business of marketing since 1989. With it’s headquarters in Kirkland, Washington the company has come a long way and now has offices in London, Texas and Singapore. As it stands, the company has employed more than 200 people handling different aspects of digital marketing, SEO, content marketing, Content Creation, and digital strategy. Their primary focus is on enterprise clients in the US, UK, and Singapore. Year Founded: 1989 Number of Employees: 200+ Contact Info: Address: 111 Amoy Street #04-00 Singapore, 069931 Phone Number: +65 6224 7992 Email Address:


Vintege is known in most parts of Singapore for being one of the most creative digital marketing agencies in the region. They’re also favoured for their commitment to what they do, and their determination to exceed clients’ expectations. The quality of their work comes second to none, and it’s for this reason that they’ve managed to retain the bulk of their past clients who’ll at any time vouch for them should there arise a need for it. Thanks to their 17 years of marketing experience, Vintedge happens to be among the few agencies in the country that understand the art of content creation to the bone. It’s the agency to turn to with your content needs if you have zero tolerance for disappointment. Services Offered: Digital Marketing Consultation, Web Application Development, Search Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Content Creation, Research Analysis, and Project Collaboration. Contact Info: 31 Ubi Rd 1 #04-02 Singapore 108694 Website:

iClick Media

iClick Media is an end-to-end online marketing agency with a focus on Search engine marketing, Social Media Marketing, Web Design, Web Analytics, and so forth. As quoted by them, they’re a preferred choice by many organisations seeking internet marketing services in Singapore. It’s an all-rounded digital marketing firm, offering content marketing as part of the services in their pipeline. Every strategy they employ is designed to help you gain more site visitors, leads, and sales. Services Offered: Search Engine Optimization, Web Design, Pay Per Click Management Clients: NTU Physical Address: 1200 Deport Road #03-01/02 109675 Singapore Telephone: +65 6362 0123

The Humanization Of Brands Through Social Media Marketing


IFoundaries is a full-house digital marketing firm in Singapore. Other than providing SEO, Web Design, Web Development, and Web hosting solutions to businesses in Singapore, the company has been providing branded content experiences for Singapore clients that wish to establish a connection with their target audience in a more meaningful way. It’s among the few companies in the country that you can turn to for a strategic content marketing campaign that can help you boost brand awareness and position yourself as a thought leader that customers and other stakeholders hold in high regard. Services Offered: Web Development, Search Engine Optimization Client: Beauty Express International Pte. Ltd., Saveurs de France, Kozine Magazine, ZingMobile Group Ltd., Subway Singapore Physical Address: 1Kaki Bukit Rd 1#02-44 Singapore 415934 Telephone: +65 6297 7751 Email:


Hashmeta is a preferred choice of digital and social media marketing solution for many marketers and web owners. They have their head office in Singapore, with extensions in Indonesia and China. They’re also one of the most sought-after providers of content marketing services in the country. Thanks to their qualified team of marketers and content creators, the company goes on record for handling every aspect of content marketing. Their team of agile copywriters has both experience and expertise to craft high-quality copies that you can use to achieve your business objectives. Services Offered: Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Influencer Marketing Clients: CMB Bank, Herbalife, Parkway Cancer Centre, Paragon, Capital land Address: Kallang Place 30A #11-08/09 339213 Singapore

Happy Marketer

Happy Marketer sits at the forefront of the latest digital technologies. In 2015, they had to reinvent themselves by adopting a new digital marketing strategy for lead generation and nurturing. As their Communication Departments’ head puts it, the agency was producing a lot of content, but much of it wasn’t reaching their target audience or helping them drive high-quality leads as they expected. This was an eye-opener for them, as it pushed them to partner with high-profile brands such as HubSpot to realise their goals. The company did manage to turn everything around, though – and as we speak, they have one of the most inspiring success stories to tell. Services Offered: Web Development, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Web Design Clients: Air Asia, Collage East, 3M, Petronas, Fair Price Physical Address: One Neil Rd #02-02 088804 Singapore Telephone: +65 9427 4110

Digital Construct

Not long ago, Digital Construct decided to give their websites and everything else a complete overhaul. A move they were quick to point out that move would place them in a better position to play in the same league as the big wigs in the digital marketing industry. They started by changing the company logo and website. They’d then look deep into their marketing strategy and decide to go slow on data-driven strategies in favour of content-driven marketing strategies, and that’s the stand they still hold even today. As they’ve been able to put it, people are beginning to turn to storytelling as a marketing strategy. The only problem is that they aren’t doing it right, and that’s exactly where the company steps in. Services Offered: Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing, B2B Marketing, Social Media Management Clients: Great Eastern, Nokia, Hitachi Consulting, Commscope, American Express Physical Address: Lavender Street 114 #11-85 CT Hub2 Singapore 338729 Telephone: +65 6438 4886


iSmart is a top provider of content marketing and lead generation services in Singapore and the whole of Asia in extension. The company focuses on offering a comprehensive range of digital marketing solutions that focuses on only one thing – help you generate more sales for your business. The company offers content marketing as part of its inbound marketing services. It’s what they use to add value to your site and make sure that it can easily be found in the SERPs. Other than that, the company uses content marketing to inspire loyalty and win you, even more, returning clients. Services offered: Inbound Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Advertising, and Graphic Design Clients: Red Hat, Changi Airport Singapore, Trax, IBM Physical Address: #14-67 Anson Centre 51 Anson Rd 079904 Singapore Telephone: +65 6325 2615

Brew Interactive

Brew Interactive is the master of content marketing. They’re the agency you turn to when you’re looking for a well-thought-out content marketing strategy to help you scale up or increase brand awareness. Through content marketing, the agency promises to help you boost your online credibility and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry or niche. This is also important where you’re looking to increase your lead flow and conversion rate. It goes without mentioning that the company begins its operation by putting together customised inbound marketing strategy that aligns with your marketing goals. Services Offered: Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Marketing, Digital Advertising Clients: JLL, Hitachi, National University Of Singapore, Qatar Airways, Mindef Singapore, Prudential Telephone: +65 6814 2952


Impactbc offers a medley of digital marketing solutions including content marketing. They’re one of the leading providers of digital marketing services in Singapore, having worked for high-profile companies and Multi-national corporations The company operates with a full-house team of marketers consisting of copywriters, content marketing strategists, Web designers, SEO experts, SEM Specialists, and Web developers. In their content marketing roster, the company offers blog content creation, video production, Digital PR, Email copy, Social Media content, White Papers, eBooks, Case Studies, Link Building, Infographics, and so on. Services Offered: Branding and Design, Content Marketing , Marketing Automation, Web Design Clients: Sophos, Microsoft, Garlock, National Health Group, SH Group Physical Address: Pearl’s Hill Terrance 195 #02-12 Singapore 168976 Telephone: +65 3138 9182

Mutant Communications

Mutants Communications understands the role that communications play in digital marketing. It’s for this reason that they decided to place it at the centre of all their online operations and digital marketing campaigns. The company boasts a rich portfolio consisting of highly tailored PR, digital marketing, and content marketing services to customers in Singapore and other parts of Southeast Asia. The company tries to work with businesses in Singapore and other parts of Asia in helping them get their messages to their target audience in a way that they can easily understand and react to it. Services Offered: Content Marketing, Social Media, Public Relation, Media Training, Clients: 90 Second, Hootsuite, Style Theory, Facebook, Instagram Physical Address: Craig rd 41 089679 Singapore Telephone: +65 6221 7239


Newbasecontent is a top-of-the-shelves content marketing agency in Singapore. They’re one of the oldest digital solutions in the country, having started in 1972. The company focuses on providing customised, award-winning solutions for well-known brands not only in Singapore, but also the whole of Asia. It’s a full-service content marketing solution offering content strategy, copywriting, design, optimisation, social media content, and advertising, to name a few. Services offered: Content Delivery, Content Marketing Strategy, Content Development Clients: Hong Kong Tourism Board, Singapore Airlines, Casio, Tiwan, DBS Physical Address: Carpenter Street 36 #02-01 Carpenter Haus 059915 Singapore Telephone: +65 9848 2287


Oats is a content marketing agency that offers a wide range of content and copywriting services, from web copy to long-form SEO articles. Beginning as a supporting team to their sister web design agency, they’ve since branched out to take on bigger projects to help companies grow using content.  Since then, the agency has helped market leaders and up-and-coming startups to increase their web presence and grow their traffic. Comprising a growing team of content writers and editors, they’re not afraid to experiment with new strategies to make their content work more effectively  Services Offered: Content writing, SEO writing, Copywriting, Branding Clients: PropertyGuru, Singlife, Capital C Corporation, MyDoc, Building Construction Authority of Singapore (BCA) Contact Info:  Address: 1 Sims Lane, #04-10, Singapore 387355 Phone Number: +65 9693 3801

FAQs about Content Marketing

Similar to other marketing strategies, people are likely to have questions regarding content. The following are some of the issues you are likely to encounter if you deal with content marketing, as well as how you can answer them.

What is the Importance of Content Marketing?

Most marketers tend to get overexcited by the prospect of content marketing that they forget to ask whether it fits their primary objectives and whether it would work. Some of the most significant benefits of content marketing include shortening the sales cycle and making conversion rates measurable. It is also a useful complement to paid advertising.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic marketing tactic that aims to create and distribute relevant and valuable content to attract and retain a defined audience. The ultimate objective is to connect leads to regular customers.

Does Content Marketing Work?

A working content marketing strategy is one that supports your business and marketing goals. If implemented correctly, this concept can improve your business significantly.

How does Content Marketing Increase Leads and Sales?

It is worth noting that both existing and prospective clients are not interested in your products. Instead, they are interested in solving the problems they have at hand. Content marketing boosts lead generation and increase sales by showcasing authenticity, thought leadership, and more importantly, how your business can solve client problems.

How does Content Marketing Assist in Addressing Target Audiences in the Customer Buying Cycle?

Your content should focus on the needs of the customers at various points of the buying cycle in a way that evokes positive emotions about your brand. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of conversion.

How Can Content Marketing Increase Brand Presence?

You have to begin by engaging a relevant audience and then you introduce your brand. You have to get the details to spot on to set the right foundation. After the foundation has been laid, try to find the balance between the conversation volume and saturation. Your aim should be handling the matters that are unfamiliar and still get people to engage with you.

How does Content Marketing Increase Revenue?

You begin by establishing a strong business case but you have to ensure that it does not hurt other aspects of the customer’s lifestyle, such as their budget. If you want to increase the revenue, you must ensure that content marketing ROI is higher when compared to average marketing ROI.

How do You Know the Impact of Content Marketing?

Most marketers find it challenging to gauge the impact of content marketing because of using the wrong approach. The best way of raising sales and revenue is by making sure that those working under you strictly follow company objectives and agreed-upon processes.  

What is the Cost of Content Marketing?

Initially, most people will tend to think that content marketing is costly and they cannot afford it, but that is not the case. The truth of the matter is that most marketers usually expect more for the various assets but end up parting with less amount of money. Usually, wastage only occurs if you implement strategies in the wrong way.

 Service Price
Cost per Content (1000 words)  SGD 300  
Cost of Optimisation – Monthly Package

 SGD 50 to SGD 5,000 a month

Cost per project

 SGD 1,000 – SGD 5,000

Cost per hour (Consultants)

SGD 100 to SGD 300


What is your Aim?

You need to set objectives, those under your leadership have to set some goals which they have to meet. The objectives are both short and long-term. These goals will be used as the regulatory element for the main program. The goals need to be simple and achievable. They may include increasing brand awareness, letting people know your position as a leader, and also making your website popular among internet users by using friendly terms.

What Might You Be Missing?

You need to ensure that the content is focused on positively transforming people’s views on a situation, product, and so forth.

What Should You Do?

You need to be creative and offer the market something unique which is also worthwhile. All the things you do should aim at making a difference. The reason for this is the continual evolution of the marketing industry.

Where Do You Get Motivation?

You need to believe in what you are doing and be consistent. You also need to read a lot r to get stay informed ad keep up with the latest trends.

What Makes You Stand Out Among The Rest?

You need to have ideas that are original and also know how to utilise current ideas by modifying little aspects to increase their effectiveness. How you present your ideas is also vital when it comes to proving they are yours. When presenting, you need to pay attention to the following factors;

  • Giving relevant examples
  • Having a good structure
  • Attitude and tone
  • Your perspective on the topic
  • Personality

What Are The Benefits Of Using Interactive Content?

Science explains that interactive content awakens the brain and also improves memory. You need to ensure that what you put out there for the consumers is not boring or text-heavy; instead, it should be dynamic. This ensures that the message reaches a wider audience.

What To Do About Voice Search?

You need to ensure voice keyword search is available as it is more convenient. You also need to ensure your content is prepared for the verbal revolution, as more people start searching using mobile devices.

engaging the top social media agency in singapore

How to Make Those under You Market the Company?

Your leadership skills should encourage your team members to buy your content marketing and share it with others. Their participation is critical for the success of the marketing campaign.

How Do You Assist Others Through Content Marketing?

The people in charge of recruitment need to look for top talent and brand ambassadors that can communicate with investors. Those who oversee training should demonstrate the ability to pass the knowledge to the employees. Lastly, those under you should be able to help others accomplish their objectives which will, in turn, make the company meet its goals.

How Do You Make People Aware Of Your Products?

You need to ensure that what you present is a unique story, relevant and accurate to encourage responses and engage the consumers.

How Can You Engage The Community?

You need to be smart to attract people. Ask those around you to share the knowledge they have with the community. Ensure you have a platform where you can interact with the clients.

How do you know the difference between audience and jokers?

This question looks at the current situation in your marketing department and where it is heading. You need to focus more on those who subscribe and less on those that are mere visitors. What you present to the market needs to have more audience compared to traffic, as the audience interacts with your products and always looks forward to what you will introduce next. To increase the audience, you will need to have content that is attractive, appealing and helps them a lot. You need to be good at building an audience.

Why Are People Unattracted to Our Content?

This often occurs when the marketing team lacks basic knowledge of SEO. Other reasons include not doing enough in terms of outreach or publishing content that adds no value to the target audience. To ensure you get enough audience:

  • You need to encourage your officials to share your content more
  • Invite lots of people to access your products
  • Be consistent with what you have
  • Have exceptional content

Overall Content Marketing Services Pricing Structure

5547d9bfa28ad3-49342334-2628301 Source: From the above pie chart, it is clear that majority of content marketing service providers (70%) prefer a monthly retainer arrangement. Only 7% of content marketing agencies charge clients on a Pay Per Word basis. Be sure to factor in these statistics when budgeting for your next Singapore content marketing campaign. 

The Future of Content Marketing in Singapore

Similar to other disciplines, content marketing is set for big changes this coming year. Content will get better because people are using a smarter approach in strategizing, researching, creating, and publishing it. The following are some of the things to expect in the content marketing industry in 2020.

Next-level Visuals

Although this is already gaining traction, content creators are going to use more visual content ad interactive imagery in their work as from next year. According to Pew Research, more teens are now spending time on Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat, all of which focus heavily on images and videos. In the past, people had to download GIFs. This will change, as the internet has free resources that allow you to create branded imagery.

Video Content and Visual Storytelling

As YouTube, dynamic imagery and augmented reality continue to gain popularity, it is not a surprise that video content and visual storytelling will become mainstream as from 2020. According to HubSpot, over 50% of people aged between 25 and 44 want to see more video content from their favourite brands. The increased consumption of video content means that marketers have to adapt or lose the edge to their competitors. It is worth noting that the quality of your storytelling determines whether your video gets a low or a high viewership. Make sure that the stories you tell are fun and engaging.

Improved Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EAT)

Earlier this year, Google published a post informing all concerned parties about its core updates and what to do with them. The standout point was the need to improve EAT since it determines the ranking of content on search results. Some of the ways of improving EAT include linking to and getting backlinks from authority sites, including accurate data in your content, and consistently updating your content.

Better and More Purposeful Content

Marketers understand that you need quality content to rank high on SERPs and attract the attention of readers. This explains why 90% of the most successful content marketers prioritise informational messages over sales pitches, according to the Content Marketing Institute. Ranking on search results is expected to get tougher, which is why marketers need to understand what their target audience needs from a particular keyword phrase. This will prompt a more extensive involvement in research, as well as creating content that explores topics deeply.

Targeted and Customer-First Content

As mentioned above, focusing on information over promotion contributed to the success of many content marketing campaigns this year. When you offer informational content, you build trust with your audience, and that is the first step of converting them into customers. Moreover, content that focuses on the needs of the customers ranks highly on search results. The first step to creating customer-first content is research. You can do this by asking questions, engaging with the community and so forth.  Once you establish an intimate connection, you can create content that engages them at a deeper level.  

The Takeaway

Content is the fuel that powers every imaginable marketing campaign. Your business needs it in every possible way, and the above list of companies covers the ten best content marketing and content creation services you’re likely to come across in Singapore. Here at MediaOne, we focus on creating all kinds of content, particularly those that require an in-depth understanding of the product, market, trends, and industry regulations. That said, you’re invited to contact us today in case you need any help with crafting your content or using it in your marketing campaign.


What is content marketing?

Content marketing entails creating and distributing relevant, valuable, and consistent content to attract or retain a specific audience – and, eventually, driving profitable client response. Whether you are using Yoast optimisation plug-in or any other tool, content marketing is based on four principles.

What are the Five examples of content marketing

1. Infographics 2. Webpages 3. Podcasts 4. Videos 5. Books
Before we look at the frequently asked question, here is an infographic that covers 10 major facts about content marketing. content marketing Source:

FAQs about Content Marketing

Similar to other marketing strategies, people are likely to have questions regarding content. The following are some of the issues you are likely to encounter if you deal with content marketing, as well as how you can answer them.

What is the Importance of Content Marketing?

Most marketers tend to get overexcited by the prospect of content marketing that they forget to ask whether it fits their primary objectives and whether it would work. Some of the most significant benefits of content marketing include shortening of the sales cycle and making conversion rates measurable. It is also a useful complement to paid advertising.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic marketing tactic that aims to create and distribute relevant and value the content to attract and retain a defined audience. The ultimate objective is to connect leads to regular customers.

Does Content Marketing Work?

A working content marketing strategy is one that supports your business and marketing goals. If implemented correctly, this concept can improve your business significantly.

How does Content Marketing Increase Leads and Sales?

It is worth noting that both existing and prospective clients are not interested in your products. Instead, they are interested in solving the problems they have at hand. Content marketing boosts lead generation and increase sales by showcasing the authenticity, thought leadership, and more importantly, how your business can solve client problems.

How does Content Marketing Assist in Addressing Target Audiences in the Customer Buying Cycle?

Your content should focus on the needs of the customers at various points of the buying cycle in a way that evokes positive emotions about your brand. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of conversion.

How Can Content Marketing Increase Brand Presence?

You have to begin by engaging relevant audience and then you introduce your brand. You have to get the details spot on to set the right foundation. After the foundation has been laid, try to find the balance between the conversation volume and saturation. Your aim should be handling the matters that are unfamiliar and still get people to engage with you.

How does Content Marketing Increase Revenue?

You begin by establishing a strong business case but you have to ensure that it does not hurt other aspects of the customer’s lifestyle, such as their budget. If you want to increase the revenue, you must ensure that content marketing ROI is higher when compared to average marketing ROI.

How do You Know the Impact of Content Marketing?

Most marketers find it challenging to gauge the impact of content marketing because of using the wrong approach. The best way of raising sales and revenue is by making sure that those working under you strictly follow company objectives and agreed-upon processes.  

What is the Cost of Content Marketing?

Initially, most people will tend to think that content marketing is costly and they cannot afford it, but that is not the case. The truth of the matter is that most marketers usually expect to more for the various assets but end up parting with less amount of money. Usually, wastage only occurs if you implement strategies in the wrong way.

What is your Aim?

You need to set objectives, those under your leadership have to set some goals which they have to meet. The objectives are both short and long term. These goals will be used as the regulatory element for the main program. The goals need to be simple and achievable. They may include increasing brand awareness, letting people know your position as a leader and also making your website popular among internet users by using friendly terms.

What Might You Be Missing?

You need to ensure that the content is focused on positively transforming people’s view on a situation, product, and so forth.

What Should You Do?

You need to be creative and offer the market something unique which is also worthwhile. All the things you do should aim at making a difference. The reason for this is the continual evolution of the marketing industry.

Where Do You Get Motivation?

You need to believe in what you are doing and be consistent. You also need to read a lot r to get stay informed ad keep up with the latest trends.

What Makes You Stand Out Among The Rest?

You need to have ideas that are original and also know how to utilise current ideas by modifying little aspects to increase their effectiveness. How you present your ideas is also vital when it comes to proving they are yours. When presenting, you need to pay attention to the following factors;
  • Giving relevant examples
  • Having a good structure
  • Attitude and tone
  • Your perspective on the topic
  • Personality

What Are The Benefits Of Using Interactive Content?

Science explains that interactive content awakens the brain and also improves memory. You need to ensure that what you put out there for the consumers is not boring or text-heavy; instead, it should be dynamic. This ensures that the message reaches a wider audience.

What To Do About Voice Search?

You need to ensure voice keyword search is available as it is more convenient. You also need to ensure your content is prepared for the verbal revolution, as more people start searching using mobile devices.

How to Make Those under You Market the Company?

Your leadership skills should encourage your team members to buy your content marketing and share it with others. Their participation is critical for the success of the marketing campaign.

How Do You Assist Others Through Content Marketing?

The people in charge of recruitment need to look for top talent and brand ambassadors that can communicate with investors. Those who oversee training should demonstrate the ability to pass the knowledge to the employees. Lastly, those under you should be able to help others accomplish their objectives which will, in turn, make the company meet its goals.

How Do You Make People Aware Of Your Products?

You need to ensure that what you present is a unique story, relevant and accurate to encourage responses and engage the consumers.

How Can You Engage The Community?

You need to be smart to attract people. Ask those around you to share the knowledge they have with the community. Ensure you have a platform where you can interact with the clients.

How do you know the difference between audience and jokers?

This question looks at the current situation in your marketing department and where it is heading. You need to focus more on those who subscribe and less on those that are mere visitors. What you present to the market needs to have more audience compared to traffic, as the audience interacts with your products and always look forward to what you will introduce next. To increase the audience, you will need to have content that is attractive, appealing and it helps them a lot. You need to be good at building an audience.

Why Are People Unattracted to Our Content?

This often occurs when the marketing team lacks basic knowledge of SEO. Other reasons include not doing enough in terms of outreach or publishing content that adds no value to the target audience. To ensure you get enough audience:
  • You need to encourage your officials to share your content more
  • Invite lots of people to access your products
  • Be consistent with what you have
  • Have exceptional content

Cost of Content Marketing Service in Singapore

 Service Price
Cost per Content (1000 words)  SGD 300  
Cost of Optimisation – Monthly Package

 SGD 50 to SGD 5,000 a month

Cost per project

 SGD 1,000 – SGD 5,000

Cost per hour (Consultants)

SGD 100 to SGD 300


Overall Content Marketing Services Pricing Structure

overall content marketing pricing structure Source: From the above pie chart, it is clear that majority of content marketing service providers (70%) prefer a monthly retainer arrangement. Only 7% of content marketing agencies charge clients on a Pay Per Word basis. Be sure to factor in these statistics when budgeting for your next Singapore content marketing campaign. 

The Main Different Types of Content and How to Use Them

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear about ‘content marketing’ is blogging combined with social media marketing. The reality is that there several other strategies that are useful to your marketing efforts. demand for different forms of content Source: Marketing Land  The following are some of the main different types of content and how you can use them.


Blogs are the cornerstone of most content marketing strategies. The reason for this is that blog posts are easy to write, they are easily found by Google, and users can read and share them quickly. Blog posts are effective for building relationships with your audience, which is the first step in nurturing leads into customers. If you post high-quality content consistently, you can increase the number of people who visit your website. Since it is the most popular form of content marketing, blogging also has the highest number of potential mistakes. Some of the things you need to avoid include irregular posting, failing to optimise content for sales and leads, neglecting keywords, and a lack of internal links.

Long-form Content

The best way of building thought leadership and increasing subscribers is by making long-form content available for free to your subscribers. Such content usually exceeds 5,000 words, has several subheadings, and covers the subject at hand comprehensively. It is advisable to break long-form guides into comprehensible sections to encourage readership. Using huge chunks of text without headings and subheadings is likely to discourage the user from reading up to the end.

Case Studies

Case studies are detailed examinations covering a specific example and aim to provide knowledge and actionable information. They are useful in establishing thought leadership, are unique, and easy to share. Since they are based on data, it is almost a guarantee that the case study is unique to your brand. Most cases studies follow a defined model – they start with a summary, explain the problem at hand, provide the solution, and conclude by showing the significance of the findings. The most common mistake when creating case studies is failing to report anything other than the results. This makes the content boring and difficult to understand.  Make sure that your case study resembles a blog post, in that it shows ‘why’ and ‘how.’


Whitepapers mostly offer data and solutions concerning a particular subject. They are a proven way of establishing authority in your niche and can also serve as powerful lead magnets. Since they have in-depth information, whitepapers take longer to write and cost more if you hire somebody to write them on your behalf. You should start with an introduction and organise the rest of the information into distinct sections. If the document is lengthy, you should include a table of contents.


EBooks are often challenging to first-timers, but they are effective lead magnets if written correctly. They are more expensive and take longer to write than other kinds of content. However, you can easily find a freelancer to write them for you. An eBook can be short as five pages or as long as forty pages; the only requirement is that the content must be valuable. Even if the intention is to sell a product, the sales pitch should only make up 10% of the content. Most of the information in the book should offer solutions to the problems faced by the target audience.


Infographics are an effective means of presenting information in a way that appeals to the eye and easy to digest. They are also easy to share to social media platforms, which means that they reach a wider audience than other types of content. Although you can modify your infographics to conform to your brand image, it is essential to use simple designs that have sufficient whitespaces. You also have to explain the contents of the infographic.

Template and Checklist Downloads

Templates and checklist downloads are effective lead magnets, as they are cheap, actionable, and users use them repeatedly. If you want the checklists to become popular, you should offer them in exchange for an email subscription, promote them at the end of videos and blogs, and so forth. Templates and checklists must have a clear organisation, have a brief copy, and include your branding.


Despite its effectiveness, many marketers do not associate video with content marketing. It is dynamic, engaging, and people prefer watching a video over reading text. For instance, consumers are more likely to watch a product video than reading about it. You should distribute video in both your social media and content marketing campaigns. The easiest way of doing this is by uploading the video to YouTube and embedding links to them in your blog posts.

Average Shares By Content Type on Social Media in Singapore

content analysis Source:

Why You Should Hire a Content Marketing Agency

One of the most significant dilemmas when launching a content marketing campaign is deciding on whether to hire a professional agency or use an in-house team. For a small business, this decision is particularly important because marketing is a significant investment. The following are some of the reasons why you should hire a professional content marketing agency.

You Get the Best Talent in the Field

This is perhaps the most significant advantage of hiring professionals to handle your content marketing campaign. You have the freedom of abandoning an agency if they do not meet your objectives. Furthermore, the agencies will be more committed to ensuring you achieve your goals to keep you as their client.

You Pay for What You Get

When you hire an agency, you save the amount that you would have otherwise spent on legalities, infrastructure, and so forth. The only money you spend will be the fee you pay to the professionals.

It Saves Time

As seen above, some types of content such as long-form posts and whitepapers take time to create. Outsourcing such tasks to content marketing agencies save you time and allow you to focus on other areas of your business.

You Work With Professionals

 If you are a first-timer, content marketing can be quite challenging. Agencies can be useful in such situations because of their experience in the industry. You can leverage this knowledge to ensure that your marketing efforts bear success.

It Offers Flexibility

 Unlike the case with an in-house team, you can end the contract with an agency any time you wish to. This comes in handy when you do not have sufficient funds to run the content marketing campaign. Once the money becomes available, you can resume the contract.

A Streamlined Marketing Campaign

Content marketing agency usually has all the resources need to run a successful campaign. These include keyword research tools, analytics platforms, audience demographics, and so forth.

Uninterrupted Content Production

One of the most prevalent challenges to content marketing efforts is the ability to produce valuable content consistently. The only to do it is by having a dedicated team that has exposure to niche content. A content market agency is more equipped to handle such issues than an in-house team.

Essential Tips a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

There is more to content marketing than increasing your outreach, branding, and so on. The following are some of the essential tips for a successful content marketing strategy.

Understand the Sales Funnel

The sales funnel is a term used to describe the buyer’s decision-making journey. It has three key stages, namely awareness, evaluation, and purchase.  Before you launch a marketing campaign, you need to understand the factors that motivate the customer to move through the funnel. As a content marketer, you need to create content that attracts leads to your businesses, convinces them to buy, and complete the purchases. Once you accomplish this, you should focus on establishing brand loyalty and boosting client retention. Ideally, you should look to keep the consumer cycling through the funnel.

View Your Content as Data

The success of a content marketing strategy does not depend on the volume of content you publish; instead, it depends on its quality.  You should view your content as data, meaning that you have continually track, monitor and generate reports. This information is useful in adjusting your strategy, which in turn improves your conversion rates. Another advantage of testing your content strategies is that it allows you to learn about your audience’s preferences, interests, and buying behaviour.


Planning is crucial to the success of any marketing campaign. A content calendar can help you in guiding your strategy throughout a given timeframe. The calendar should define where and when you will post your content. Remember to leave adequate time for unpredictable events and trending topics that require you to create content at the last minute.


As you plan on how to distribute your content, it is crucial to keep in mind that different types of content have different purposes. That said, you can use combinations of these types to save and resources. For instance, you can post a link to your blog on your social media pages. Likewise, you can embed a thumbnail of your YouTube video on your website. Repurposing content is a smart way of saving time and improving your content marketing strategy.

Establish a Specific Direction for Your Content

Most businesses have a huge volume of content but do not categorise it correctly. It is advisable to divide your content into different stages of the sales funnel so that every team member know the purpose of each. For example, Facebook ads and infographics are great for increasing awareness. Case studies and blog posts are useful for boosting conversion rates, and contests and surveys can be used for client retention. By categorising your content, you will know the type of content that works well in a specific context.

Signs That You Have Low-Quality Content

Every attempt at writing will not always produce the best quality, and every so often, tough love will enlighten you that your content is not sufficient. Many professionals involved in content marketing know that their content is not as good, but they do not know where they are going wrong. There is a data proven method as to know if your content is not sufficient to encourage conversion rates. In Singapore, quality content is necessary to stay ahead of your competition in the fierce dog-eat-dog world of digital marketing. Here is a data proven method to know if your content is good enough.

Bad Writing

Bad writing harms your reputation and makes your content less authoritative. Bad writing will as well make your audience to doubt your credibility. Bad writing makes it hard for good SEO content to engage the users. The best way to attain excellent writing skills is to study authoritative resources on copywriting. Run a search for the top blogs and websites in your niche and study the aspects of writing used.


A lot of content written lacks value for the audience. Value encourages the conversion of the browsers into paying clients. Your audience is spending time as well as copious amounts of energy seeking you out, and the least they expect is value. Practice to include as much value as possible in your content packed with advice to ensure that your audience stays devoted to your brand.

Keyword Stuffing

Stuffing of keywords happens when there is excessive use of keywords in any content. If there are more keywords than one hand can count, then that is a case of keyword stuffing. Content creators and marketers stuff keywords to enhance a blog’s SEO, but it only makes for an annoying read. Instead of stuffing, the aim ought to be keyword optimization. Try to create content without much care for keywords to avoid stuffing. Practice is the best way to guarantee that you create quality content. Proofreading when done severally helps you to identify low-quality content and fix it. The aim of content should always be to offer valuable information to the target audience.

Engagement Level of Different Types of Content in Singapore

content engagement level on social media Source: Neil Patel

The Future of Content Marketing in Singapore

Similar to other disciplines, content marketing is set for big changes this coming year. Content will get better because people are using a smarter approach in strategizing, researching, creating, and publishing it. The following are some of the things to expect in the content marketing industry in 2020.

Next-level Visuals

Although this is already gaining traction, content creators are going to use more visual content ad interactive imagery in their work as from next year. According to Pew Research, more teens are now spending time on Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat, all of which focus heavily on images and videos. In the past, people had to download GIFs. This will change, as the internet has free resources that allow you to create branded imagery.

Video Content and Visual Storytelling

As YouTube, dynamic imagery and augmented reality continue to gain popularity, it is not a surprise that video content and visual storytelling will become mainstream as from 2020. According to HubSpot, over 50% of people aged between 25 and 44 want to see more video content from their favourite brands. The increased consumption of video content means that marketers have to adapt or lose the edge to their competitors. It is worth noting that the quality of your storytelling determines whether your video gets a low or a high viewership. Make sure that the stories you tell are fun and engaging.

Improved Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EAT)

Earlier this year, Google published a post informing all concerned parties about its core updates and what to do with them. The standout point was the need to improve EAT since it determines the ranking of content on search results. Some of the ways of improving EAT include linking to and getting backlinks from authority sites, including accurate data in your content, and consistently updating your content.

Better and More Purposeful Content

Marketers understand that you need quality content to rank high on SERPs and attract the attention of readers. This explains why 90% of the most successful content marketers prioritise informational messages over sales pitches, according to the Content Marketing Institute. Ranking on search results is expected to get tougher, which is why marketers need to understand what their target audience needs from a particular keyword phrase. This will prompt a more extensive involvement in research, as well as creating content that explores topics deeply.

Targeted and Customer-First Content

As mentioned above, focusing on information over promotion contributed to the success of many content marketing campaigns this year. When you offer informational content, you build trust with your audience, and that is the first step of converting them into customers. Moreover, content that focuses on the needs of the customers ranks highly on search results. The first step to creating customer-first content is research. You can do this by asking questions, engaging with the community and so forth.  Once you establish an intimate connection, you can create content that engages them at a deeper level.It  

About the Author

Tom Koh

Tom is the CEO and Principal Consultant of MediaOne, a leading digital marketing agency. He has consulted for MNCs like Canon, Maybank, Capitaland, SingTel, ST Engineering, WWF, Cambridge University, as well as Government organisations like Enterprise Singapore, Ministry of Law, National Galleries, NTUC, e2i, SingHealth. His articles are published and referenced in CNA, Straits Times, MoneyFM, Financial Times, Yahoo! Finance, Hubspot, Zendesk, CIO Advisor.


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