Generating Leads And Driving Sales With Live Streaming

Generating Leads And Driving Sales With Live Streaming

Why do many brands use live video streaming for marketing their products and services?

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In the past, marketers have largely used television commercials to communicate their message. However, with nearly every aspect of a person’s life being recorded on social media, the line between advertising and editorial content has blurred.

Through live video streaming, brands can establish credibility and trust with the audience by providing entertaining, educational, or informative content about the brand and its products.

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Here are six ways to use live video streaming to generate leads and drive sales.

1. Establish credibility and trust

The truth is, we’re all skeptical of marketing claims and promises. That’s what makes sales so exciting. When a salesperson knocks on your door and offers you a great bargain on a product you’ve been eyeing, your initial reaction might be, “Who are you?”

Enterprises that utilize live video streaming to market their products and services achieve a sense of trust and credibility by providing entertaining, educational, or informative content about the product or service.

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People love to learn about new things. When content is presented as fun and engaging, they’re more likely to pay attention and remember the valuable information being communicated.

Live video streaming can be used to educate your audience about your products and services, as well as to provide entertaining content. The trust and credibility you gain in return for providing quality content can translate into many leads and marketing success.

2. Engage audience participation

Another method marketers can use to gain credibility and trust with potential customers is to involve them in action. Studies show that audiences prefer when content is delivered in a participative manner. When consumers see that a company values their opinion and wants to engage with them, rather than simply selling to them, they’re more likely to trust the communication and be won over by the brand’s side.

Live video streaming allows marketers to get involved interactively with their audience. Live video allows you to engage with your audience between posts to create a more personal connection, whether a daily sale event or a themed challenge that needs to be finished in a certain amount of time.

When content is delivered in a meaningful and engaging manner, audiences are more likely to value it and be willing to engage with the company in the future.

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3. Gain visibility

What do you want them to see when someone learns about your product or service? The answer might surprise you: an introduction to your brand, accompanied by a demonstration or an educational piece about what you offer.

People love when businesses come with a useful purpose and a practical application. When a company can introduce something new to positively impact people’s daily lives, they’re more likely to be engaged with the message and consider the offer more seriously.

When someone discovers your product or service via live video streaming, they’ll remember it. Seeing a socially responsible business and trying to better society is always a draw. Even better, if your business can make a difference in someone’s life or those around them, their opinion of you might increase by an incredible amount.

4. Build a community

One of the main differences between traditional and digital marketing is how communities emerge in the digital sphere. Back in the day, people would flock to a town square to engage with each other and pass the time of day. Today, with the advent of social media, that meeting ground has moved to the web. With live video streaming, you can create a space where like-minded individuals can share knowledge and encourage others to take action.

If you are interested in a niche market or a product you think could use an introduction, consider using live video streaming to gain credibility and trust with your audience. When you do, you’ll discover a ready-made audience who might just become your best salespeople. At the very least, you’ll have created a digital space for interested parties to connect, learn more, and potentially transact business with you.

5. Differentiate yourself

If you’re one of the rare few who has yet to jump on the social media train and you’re looking for ways to generate new leads and grow your business, consider using live video streaming to stand out among your competitors. There are many platforms where you can put yourself and your product in front of an audience. If you can find a way to make yourself stand out among the hordes of similar businesses, you can bet your customers will remember you when the time comes to purchase.

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Live video streaming allows you to develop and execute a unique content strategy. What do you want your audience to learn about your product or service? How can you uniquely use your product or service to make your followers say, “I’ve never heard of that brand, but I have to try it immediately!”

In the age of YouTube Premium, Netflix, and Amazon Prime, viewers have more content than they can consume. Differentiation can help you stand out among the endless stream of often-duplicate content, making you more memorable and memorable to your audience. If you can use a unique point of view, offer helpful advice, or entertain your followers, you’ll give yourself a leg up on the competition.

6. Generate leads

If you decide to go down this path and establish yourself as an expert in your chosen field, you might be tempted to try and convert your viewers into paying customers. However, there are other benefits of having an engaged audience. You can also use your audience to grow your business by generating leads.

If someone visits your website, clicks on an advertisement or a purchase link, and then takes some time to read a blog post or watch an informative video about your industry, you can bet they’ll be back. Not to mention, they might just become a fan of your content, and you can up your chances of them becoming a lead or a customer.

When someone discovers your industry through your content, they’ll come back for more. This is called “content loyalty.” When a potential lead returns more than once, this is called “brand loyalty.” Having brand loyalty around products and services in your industry that you recommend and believe in is something you can rely on. This is especially valuable if someone explores more than one option and becomes more informed.

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These are a few examples of live video streaming to generate leads and drive sales. The opportunities are endless, and the benefits are numerous. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out to us today!

About the Author

Tom Koh

Tom is the CEO and Principal Consultant of MediaOne, a leading digital marketing agency. He has consulted for MNCs like Canon, Maybank, Capitaland, SingTel, ST Engineering, WWF, Cambridge University, as well as Government organisations like Enterprise Singapore, Ministry of Law, National Galleries, NTUC, e2i, SingHealth. His articles are published and referenced in CNA, Straits Times, MoneyFM, Financial Times, Yahoo! Finance, Hubspot, Zendesk, CIO Advisor.


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