Digital Marketing in Singapore: A Basic Guide

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Are you looking for accurate information on how to carry out digital marketing in Singapore? In today’s tech-savvy world, the most effective way for businesses to reach out to prospective clients is by incorporating digital marketing strategies into their advertising campaigns. Consumers are spending more time on the Internet and consequently, businesses need to have an online presence.

Today’s consumers are highly informed owing to the fact that they spend a lot of time on social media, blogs, and news sites. Often, they search online whenever they want information about something. With digital marketing, you will be in the same within which your prospects operate. Therefore, it will be easy for them to see you, and even find more information about your services or products.

Digital marketing in Singapore entails formulating an effective strategy that will not only drive engagement but also optimize your site. To achieve the desired results, your digital marketing strategy should be tailor-made to address the needs of different segments of the target audience.

How Digital Marketing in Singapore Works

As complex as it may seem, digital marketing isn’t any different from traditional marketing. Just like traditional marketing, digital marketing is used by businesses to forge mutually beneficial partnerships with customers, prospects, and leads. Nonetheless, digital marketing doesn’t utilize tactics used in traditional marketing since it is meant to reach out to today’s tech-savvy customers.

Your client’s purchasing decisions often start online. If someone intends to purchase a house, he/she will probably start by searching through the Internet to check out the available options. The purchasing decision that this buyer will make will depend on the reviews read online after his/her research. This highlights the significance of having an online presence irrespective of the goods and services that you sell.

The most critical part of a digital marketing campaign is creating a strategy that will put you in channels where your prospects and current clients are hanging out. After that, you should use the available digital platforms to connect to them.

Digital content will keep your audience apprised on the latest industry news, problems that they are encountering, and these problems can be solved. Similarly, you can use SEO to optimize your content, thus ensuring that it shows up whenever someone searches for information related to your company.

digital marketing in Singapore

Likewise, you can use social media to share your content on different platforms other than your website. On the other hand, email marketing can be used to follow up on your clients and prospects to ensure that they continue getting solutions that they are looking for.

When you combine these campaigns into one strategy, you will have an efficient and comprehensive digital marketing strategy. This may look daunting but it can work if you integrate one digital marketing strategy at a time. The key to building or refining a digital marketing strategy is to avoid missteps and false starts.

How Digital Marketing Can Help Your Singapore Business

Having an online presence makes it easy for you to create brand awareness as well as engagement with clients both before and after a successful sale. It similarly helps you to easily convert new buyers to long-term clients who will keep making subsequent purchases.

Digital marketing in Singapore can also kickstart social and word of mouth sharing, and the benefits that accompany them. It will also shorten your client’s buying journey by ensuring that they are aware of the right offers when they need particular products or services.

Since digital marketing aims at increasing traffic to your site, gaining crucial customer insights, raising brand awareness, driving sales, and building trust with the target audience, there’s a need for you to understand the components of digital marketing.  These include search engine optimization, email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing.

Each of these platforms has various tools that you can use in the attainment of your marketing goals. These tools are commonly referred to as assets. You should take stock of all your online marketing assets before to embark on your digital marketing campaign. These assets are generally categorized as earned, paid, or owned.

Owned digital marketing assets are those that you created and currently manage. These include your blogs, social media pages, websites, and online brochures. You have control over these assets as a digital marketer since you determine how they look, what audience they are designated to reach, and how they are optimized.

Paid assets are those that you pay for. They include PPC, social media ads, and any other online advertising campaigns that you use. These assets generally cost more compared to owned assets but they are useful when it comes to driving qualified leads to your website. They also help you expand the market reach of owned assets.

With paid assets, you also have a guarantee that you will be visible to the target audience. Earned assets are those that you have to work hard to gain through industry and customer interactions. Earned assets include guest blogs, product reviews, shared social media posts, and client testimonials.

Digital Marketing Strategies that Work

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO should play a critical role in your digital marketing campaign since it can improve the ranking of your site by making it visible to Internet users. This will ultimately drive traffic to your website. If you run an e-commerce store for instance and you are competing with major e-retailers such as Amazon, SEO will ensure that whenever prospects do a Google search about e-commerce in Singapore, your store will appear on the top of the search engine result page.

SEO can either be on-page or off-page. On-page SEO includes the technical optimization that you typically perform on your site. It can also entail creating engaging content and optimizing it using page elements such as keywords, the use of internal links, and using title tags and headings. Off-page SEO focuses on creating a pool of backlinks to your sites. This will show search engines that your website is relevant, valuable, and authoritative. As a result, the ranking of the site will naturally improve.

Content Marketing

Content is the embodiment of your digital marketing campaign. It mirrors how you engage with prospects as well as attract their attention. Besides this, the quality of your content will define how you reach out to new audiences as well as providing valuable insights to keep the target audience informed.

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Your target audience should determine the type of content that you create and topics that you choose to explore. Most importantly, you must ensure that your content is well scripted and that it is authoritative and of interest to the target audience. Some of the most important and popular content types include blogs, web page content, infographics, emails, e-books, white papers, and how-to guides.

Email Marketing

Sending emails may not be the most efficient method of digital method of digital communication, but it remains an effective marketing today. Email is ubiquitous since there are more than 3.5 billion active email users globally. Therefore, there is a guarantee that you can easily reach prospects via this channel.

Besides being effective, email marketing has a high ROI. Each dollar that you will spend on your email marketing effort will have a return of $44. Email marketing starts with amassing an email list as well as obtaining permission from prospects. Therefore, you need to create email content, which may include product updates, promotions, videos, links to your blogs, and newsletters.

After creating content, you should categorize your email list based on factors such as purchasing history, demographics, and the buyer journey stage. Emails should be personalized based on these factors. Similarly, you must decide how frequent you will be corresponding with prospects and clients. In this regard, you must keep in mind that whereas some may not mind getting daily email updates, some will respond positively if you contact them less frequently.

Social Media Marketing

More than 80% of Singaporeans use social media. Therefore, brands should wake up to the reality that social media platforms can be valuable resources in their quest to attract clients. There are numerous social media networks that you can incorporate in your digital marketing campaign including Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Tumblr.

You need to locate the platform that your target audience uses frequently. Thereafter, create a page on the platforms for engaging your audience, sharing your content, participating in conversations, promoting news related to your brand, responding to complaints, and participating in conversations.

Search Engine Marketing

Your digital marketing campaigns can only be successful if you have a strategy for driving traffic to your site with the aim of increasing its visibility. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is one of the strategies that come in handy. SEM can include sponsored posts, social media ads, displays, native ads, banner ads, Google shopping ads, and pay-per-click.

SEM goes hand in hand with keyword optimization. In addition, you should incorporate calls to action as well as create your ads with the target audience in mind. It is also pertinent to ensure that you only reach out to the right prospects via your ads.

Why Measuring the Results of Your Digital Marketing Campaigns is Important

You need to monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns. For this reason, you must have the appropriate tools for measuring the results of your campaigns. If you incorporate Facebook into your digital marketing campaign, for instance, you can utilize the social network’s analytics tools to measure engagement, number of shares, comments, and other critical performance metrics.

If a post gets shared more times than others or garners more comments, you can use such info to analyze why it was successful to the extent that it produced the remarkable engagement. The same applies to your blogs, emails, and any other digital marketing channels that you have in place.

Why You Should Integrate the Buyer Journey in Digital Marketing Campaigns

Before embarking on digital marketing in Singapore, you need to keep in mind the fact that their position in the sales funnel significantly influences prospects’ online behavior. Therefore, you should tailor your content to mirror prospects’ stage in the sales funnel. Generally, the buyer’s journey is segmented into three stages. These are awareness, consideration, and decision making stages.

At the awareness stage, your buyers have just become aware that they need something. Therefore, the content that you provide to them at this stage should largely be general and informative but not promotional. At the consideration stage, prospective buyers are researching numerous products while trying to pinpoint those that suit them.

At this stage, you need to ensure that your content is focused on how your services and can solve buyers’ problems. During the decision-making stage, you need to make your content more promotional and branded. Nonetheless, you must still focus on solving problems.

Digital Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

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The main motivating factor behind your digital marketing campaign should be to drive traffic to your site. The Internet offers you limitless opportunities to grow your business in Singapore even with a minimal marketing budget. Digital technologies can help you to not only attract clients but also influence their decisions.

You face fierce competition from other businesses that offer products and services that are similar to yours. This means that that committing mistakes when rolling out your digital marketing campaign can compromise it altogether. Here are some common mistakes that you need to avoid when undertaking digital marketing in Singapore.

Failure to Understand the Consumer Journey

The consumer journey plays a crucial role in the purchasing decision. Arguably, the most significant mistake that marketers make while targeting customers is the failure to understand the consumer journey.

digital marketing in Singapore

You need to have an insight into the customer propensity since this will help you formulate a personalized targeting strategy, thus boosting your conversion rate.

Ignoring Emails

We can’t ignore the fact that emails have lost their shine due to the growing popularity of social media. Nonetheless, every marketer out there will tell you that email marketing is here to stay because it can help you reach out to prospects and current clients. You can boost the efficiency of your marketing campaign by taking advantage of the power of email marketing.

You should avoid committing the mistake of ignoring email marketing. Instead, find a way of creating and sending out high-impact emails to prospects and current customers. While at it, you should also provide omnichannel experiences to end users. Similarly, you should leverage Big Data personalization, automation, and interactive media when rolling out your email marketing campaigns.

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Overlooking the Significance of Mobile

It goes without saying that most Internet users access content via their mobile phones. As a marketer, you should ensure that your content is optimized for mobile since this will help you gain online visibility among those who use mobile devices to browse the Internet. Regardless of your preferred digital marketing channel, mobile ought to strongly reflect in both your long-term and short-term marketing strategy.

Failing to Pay Attention to Analytics

Whenever digital marketing is involved, there isn’t such a thing as “roll it out and forget about it.” Digital marketing campaigns require constant oversight and monitoring. This basically means regularly checking out your campaigns to gauge their performance. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that you should spend all your time tracking daily changes in your site visitor metrics and other analytic tools that you have in place.

You need to pay close attention to the website’s macro trends. Also, you should focus on the bigger picture especially where channel and campaign performance is concerned. For instance, a channel that provides a high volume of traffic could be providing a low quality of leads. In this case, looking at referring traffic only won’t provide you with a holistic insight into the performance of your website.

Failing to Test

As you implement your digital marketing campaign in Singapore, you must ensure that you continuously test the campaigns. As you monitor your campaign analytics, you will be in a position to optimize your digital campaigns even when your business grows.

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Often, marketers jump to conclusions whenever their campaigns fail to perform according to expectations. Leaping to conclusions without verifying what could be the underlying factor leading to the poor performance of your campaigns can have serious consequences even on other campaigns that you will roll out in future.

Testing should be made a priority since it is the surest way of ensuring that your marketing expenditure is being put into good use. Similarly, it ensures that your marketing campaigns have the best foundation to thrive.

Jumping on Every New Trend

Ever-emerging trends characterize the digital marketing industry. Technological innovations and new marketing channels always emerge. Deciding whether to jump on the emerging trends or sticking to your current channels can be a delicate balancing act.

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Even so, you need to stay on top of new trends since this will help you keep pace with other industry players and the tech-savvy audience that you are trying to reach out to. Often, things change fast, something that necessitates the need for marketers to stay updated with the latest strategies and technologies. If you fail to do so, you risk lagging behind the competition besides losing touch with clients.

One of the most common mistakes that marketers commit is assuming that since a certain technology or platform is trendy, they must incorporate it in their digital marketing mix. This can be calamitous in the long run especially if the new platform fails. In such a situation, your entire marketing campaign will be affected.

It’s a bad idea to follow latest trends blindly without undertaking a SWOT analysis first. Before you even think about incorporating a new platform in your marketing campaign, you should understand how its implementation will benefit your strategy and your brand in general.

Targeting the Wrong Client Base

Even the best digital marketing campaigns can fail if they target the wrong audience. Every marketer needs to understand that in digital marketing, targeting and engaging the right audience is the most critical thing. That catchy ad headline may sound great to whoever reads it but nonetheless, it won’t bring in the desired results if it doesn’t resonate with the audience.

There’s a need for you to take time and understand your audience and the type of language that relate well with them. You should also find out the needs of your prospects and the words that they typically use to describe whatever they are looking for. Once you have answers to these issues, it will be easy for you to streamline your campaign in a manner that makes it appealing to people that you are trying to reach.

Not Setting Goals

Before you even start thinking about engaging in digital marketing in Singapore, you need to have clearly outlined objectives. These objectives will guide the direction of your campaign. You can’t plan a campaign if you don’t have any goals in mind. Without goals, your digital marketing campaign will definitely fail.

In this regard, you must outline your objectives since this will help you set measurable goals that are in support of each objective. If your campaigns do not have any goals, you won’t be able to gauge any success or even identify weak areas that require additional support. In addition, it will be hard for you to justify any future marketing investment since you won’t be in a position to demonstrate progress made during your previous campaign.


In today’s digital world, businesses ought to take advantage of digital channels such as social media platforms, search engines, websites, and email to not only reach out to prospective clients but also keep in touch with current customers.

Digital marketing in Singapore is on a roll. Every brand irrespective of the industry within which it operates is joining the digital bandwagon. You can only attract today’s tech-savvy consumers by reaching out to them on channels that they use on a daily basis. In this regard, you should use digital platforms to attract, engage, and promote your products and services to clients.

We can help you create and run a successful digital marketing campaign in Singapore today.  Get in touch with us today for more details about services and how we can assist your business scale up. 



















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About the Author

Tom Koh

Tom is the CEO and Principal Consultant of MediaOne, a leading digital marketing agency. He has consulted for MNCs like Canon, Maybank, Capitaland, SingTel, ST Engineering, WWF, Cambridge University, as well as Government organisations like Enterprise Singapore, Ministry of Law, National Galleries, NTUC, e2i, SingHealth. His articles are published and referenced in CNA, Straits Times, MoneyFM, Financial Times, Yahoo! Finance, Hubspot, Zendesk, CIO Advisor.


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Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

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