Digital Marketing for Non-Profit Organisations in Singapore

digital marketing for non-profit organisations

When digital marketing for non-profit organisations is done correctly, it can boost brand recognition, and building a global reach, for your organisation. There are varieties of digital marketing options available for your non-profit organisation such as email marketing, social media marketing, PPC marketing, retargeting ads, AI that help your organisation resonate with your target audience.

Since non-profit organisations, marketers are more concerned with advancing social causes than financial gain; setting up a digital marketing campaign is an essential part of growing your non-profit organisation. In this article, we look at the various ways you can do digital marketing for non-profit organisations in Singapore.

Video Campaign Optimisation

Video campaigns have taken over the digital sphere, and this is attributed to the fact that they can communicate more and elicit genuine feelings. It is essential that you have a strong video campaign since they not only boost your website’s SEO, but they are an important part of digital marketing for non-profit organisations.

digital marketing for non-profit organisations

A HubSpot study shows that integrating videos in your email marketing campaigns can double or triple the click-through rates (CTR) as well as boost your landing page conversions by as much as 80%. In another study by Syndacast, having the word, ‘Video’ in your email’s subject line will improve the opening rate by up to 19%. 

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The trick of making a viral video campaign is to use simple messaging and humour (where applicable). Strong images elicit emotions in the viewer and statistics show that at least 60% of the viewers go on to donate.

Backlinks and Online Influencers

Backlinks can help improve your website’s authority and reach and it helps if you use social media platforms on your website. However, you must be proactive to maximum your ROI.

To excel at digital marketing for non-profit organisations, your website needs to have content that offers value to other sites, and this will help in establishing quality backlinks. The science behind this analogy is that when other sites link to your website, they improve your reliability as a source of valuable and authoritative information.

Besides this, Google ranks websites with credible backlinks rank higher on Google’s results pages. Apart from having quality backlinks, you need to reach out to online influencers who care about the same cause as your organisation.

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For example, social media influencers share content to multitudes of people regularly. The catch is that you need to identify the influencers whose audiences fit your target market. The next step will be to reach out and strike a deal to share your content with their followers.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing (PPC)

This is a service offered by first-tier search engines, and it helps direct traffic to your website. Google Grants through its Ads service provides users with up to $10,000 a month in PPC advertising.

By using PPC marketing campaigns, you can increase your organisation’s online visibility without overshooting your marketing budget. Once you get approval from Google Grants, you can advertise your organisation free of charge.

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Furthermore, you can use this PPC method as a keyword research tool. You can also experiment with a broader keyword range to bring in qualified traffic. Be sure to take into account various data types such as bounce rates, pages visited, engagement, and more to know your audience’s preferences.

Retargeting Ads

Retargeting gives people a reason to revisit your website and engage with your content. According to AdRoll, only 2% of the website visitors convert on the first visit, and by retargeting, you can engage the other 98%. By adding retargeting ads to your digital marketing for non-profit organisations, you get another shot at converting visitors who did not donate.

There are many retargeting options such as AdRoll or Facebook Exchange among others. For example, AdRoll will identify the people who had shown interest in your campaign, and when they scroll through their social media feed, they will start seeing your ads.

With that said, retargeting best works for large organisations with large marketing budgets as well as companies who can leverage on corporate relationships to get donated ad impressions.

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You should remove the user from the list after they click on the retargeting ad, to avoid ad spamming. For a better impact, you can use retargeting ads for emergency appeals or special campaigns.

Email Marketing

This is an inexpensive way to attract potential sponsors and donors. To get the most out of this digital marketing for non-profit organisations tactic, you should segment your audience in the different emailing lists and groups. You can then go ahead and create different calls to action to grow donor retention. It is one of the best ways of engaging a large number of interested people at once.

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There are several email marketing optimisation tools you can use, but MailChimp is by far the best one yet. It offers a 15% discount to non-profit organisations, and if you authorise your account as a security means, you get an additional 10% discount.

AWeber Communications, on the other hand, offers a 25% discount to non-profit organisations and three free months upon sign up. On top of this, Aweber Communications has several reporting tools including one that allows you to see how many recipients opened and read your email.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

By using AI-enhanced campaigns, marketers can adapt their digital marketing campaigns to end-user behaviour and real-life scenarios. A Salesforce survey found out that at least 51% of marketing leaders are already incorporating AI in various capacities. An additional 27% of the marketers plan to incorporate AI into their digital marketing for non-profit organisations in the next two years.

AI helps to personalise your website’s user experience for every visitor. This is possible by using conditional parameters to match the offers site visitors receive. On top of this, you can merge AI with targeting tactics, analytics, and a predictive personalisation engine to qualify offers in the ads received by site users.

AI can build a custom offer based on an individual’s behaviour and it can be adapted to create predefined email and SMS workflows. Since AI is highly responsive and it can read and interpret customer information much faster than humans can, it can also accelerate user participation and conversion I.


With the above points, digital marketing for non-profit organisations will become easier. However, it can be a time-consuming activity before you identify and set up all the necessary parameters. Contact us today for professional digital marketing services in Singapore.


About the Author

Tom Koh

Tom is the CEO and Principal Consultant of MediaOne, a leading digital marketing agency. He has consulted for MNCs like Canon, Maybank, Capitaland, SingTel, ST Engineering, WWF, Cambridge University, as well as Government organisations like Enterprise Singapore, Ministry of Law, National Galleries, NTUC, e2i, SingHealth. His articles are published and referenced in CNA, Straits Times, MoneyFM, Financial Times, Yahoo! Finance, Hubspot, Zendesk, CIO Advisor.


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