Professional web developers will tell you to design a logo for your business. That is because a logo is essential to a brand’s identity A logo is a graphical representation of your brand and company. Think of the slightly bitten apple fruit logo that represents Apple Inc. Anytime you see that you think about an iPhone, a Mac, or an iPad.
So, how do you design a logo as perfect as the Apple logo?
Research the latest logo design trends so that your logo does not appear dated. Also, consider what would appeal to your customers. A logo that works for a hospital is very terrible in the field of insurance. So consider your field, and identify the logo design styles that could work.
Look at your business, and try to find inspiration from the services or products you deliver. If creativity is not your thing, hire content marketers and logo designers to come up with different logo design ideas and pick the idea that you think will appeal to your customers and matches your brand.
Minimalistic design
Look at all big global companies, and you will notice that their logos are very minimalistic. And that is not by accident. Your logo will appear on large desktop web pages and also on the small screens of mobile devices. If the logo is too complicated, its design elements will be too congested to be legible on a small screen.
A logo has to be colourful to grab customers’ attention. But, too much colour hurts the eyes. Therefore, limit the number of colours on the logo to a maximum of three. You can use an analogous colour scheme like in the UPS logo, or complimentary colour scheme like in the Fanta logo.
The colour you choose should complement your brand and products or services you offer. For instance, the green colour in the Whole Foods logo compliments the brand as it deals with healthy foods.
During web design and development, the location of the logo should be considered. Experts recommend that you position the logo on the top left corner of your web pages. Probably because human beings start reading from the top left. If you place it in the middle of the page, most users will find it distracting.
Design a unique and original logo
As much as you should borrow a lot from industry trends, and the latest custom logo design trends, make sure your logo is unique and original. If it bears any similarity with other logos, it will create confusion. Thus it will not serve the purpose of brand identity.
A logo is a fundamental aspect of your marketing objective of brand identity. Therefore, if you think yours is not serving its purpose properly, hire a professional logo designer and a digital marketing agency that understands how your brand might appear in the WWW.