7 Things That Make a Well Designed Website

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Have you ever paid attention to what makes a website eye-catching or what enhances on visitors experience with a site? If you’re yet to identify what makes your website attractive and keep your visitors from pressing on the back button, you need to worry no more. In this article, we discuss seven elements you should consider as you design a site. They are also useful in assessing a website for improved user experience. These factors include:

  1. Use of Complementary Colours

great colour scheme in websites

Colour plays an essential role in influencing users’ experience when on the website. For colours that command attention, consider using red. The red colour attracts visitors’ attention and maintains them on your pages. For calming effects, you can consider selecting blue or green colours. However, colours should vary depending on their use. The heading, background, links and navigation colours should be different for each case. Take your time in the selection process and make sure to come up with the most effective pattern.

  1. Use of Images

good use of images in website

Use of imagery is one of the most important aspects of a good website. Here, you can consider using photography, art illustrations, or diagrams. However, no matter the case, it’s good to ensure that you use images that are appealing to your visitors. The pictures should be relevant and should talk more about the purpose of your website. They should tell the audience what your website and business entails. Use of indecent images will be a waste of time and space in your website.

  1. Relevant Text Content

why great content is important to websites

For a better ranking of your website, you need to populate it with well-designed content. Make sure to make it rich with keywords. Also, include headings as well as subheadings where possible. You can also make lists within the content. Of importance also is to use bold letters to emphasize important points. For complex subjects, you can offer a glossary linking it with the key issues. By doing, you don’t need to keep on defining new concepts on every new page.

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  1. Easy Navigation

easy navigation in website

One way to make your website pleasing to the viewers is to make it simple for them to search what they want. Your website should have a search function, the footer navigation links for texts, and side navigation groups among other search tools. It should contain everything the visitors need to navigate through the website.

  1. Website Layout

functional layout for website singapore

All features of your website should remain connected and in a balance. You should stick with minimal pages. Avoid pages that are chaotic and frantic as they will give you a higher bounce rate. For you to increase conversion rates in your website, make sure to use pages that are clear. The content should be well aligned and visually connected. A good layout will call your visitors into action, and this will increase your conversion rates.

  1. Enhanced Consistency and Continuity

consistent website colour and theme singapore

Make sure to stay consistent within the whole context of your site. Being consistent helps the visitors in keeping track of where they are and how to make progress to the next page. A consistent website will keep the users from pressing back button and clicking on other competitive websites. Another great factor towards increasing your conversions is to ensure there is a continuous flow in operating the website. When visitors click next, the website should respond to their desires. It should remain consistent and continuously deliver the message your visitors seek. With a consistent and continuous website, you can easily increase conversions in your site.

website design banner

  1. Include White Space

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At most of the time, web developers overlook the importance of white space in a website. However, white space is a concept employed in the whole of aesthetics and design process. White Space works as a breathing room, where you stop talking and start listening. It helps to give the visitors a breathing area to break their navigation. The important of White Space in your website is to help the users pay attention only on what is important. Keep in mind that, you cannot design every pixel of your website competing for the visitors’ attention. If so, your visitors will not have a chance to get your key message.

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Therefore, making your website attractive to your visitors may seem an easy task. However, if you lack to pay attention to the above factors, that which look like a simple task will turn to a difficult job. Consider employing each of the above elements for a chance to make a well-designed website.

About the Author

Tom Koh

Tom is the CEO and Principal Consultant of MediaOne, a leading digital marketing agency. He has consulted for MNCs like Canon, Maybank, Capitaland, SingTel, ST Engineering, WWF, Cambridge University, as well as Government organisations like Enterprise Singapore, Ministry of Law, National Galleries, NTUC, e2i, SingHealth. His articles are published and referenced in CNA, Straits Times, MoneyFM, Financial Times, Yahoo! Finance, Hubspot, Zendesk, CIO Advisor.


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