6 Exceptional Ways that Digital Has Changed Business Forever

The current society is driven by digital technology. Companies have mastered the art of using new technologies to make sure that they get as many customers as possible. Digital marketing has an extraordinary influence on people’s purchases, life habits, work, and interactions. As such, it is imperative for companies to take full advantage of the digital universe to reign supreme in their respective niches.

Here are 6 Exceptional Ways Digital caused Business transformation.

Instant Communication

Interacting with prospects today is similar to spinning a roulette wheel. The marketing message is the roulette ball that spins and bounces as the wheel turns before landing on a lucky space, the customer. Social media allows companies to engage with potential customers on a public platform as well as promote services and products freely.

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Digital Has Changed Business Forever
Photo Credit: Economist.com

According to an article posted on Economist, a quarter of apps that are downloaded are abandoned after a single use. Instant messaging apps have taken the world by storm with the younger generation spend more time on messaging apps than social media sites. Companies seek to take full advantage of this trend by introducing apps that they can use to interact and market their services to the clients directly.

Content Overload

The amount of content that is shared through messaging apps and social media platforms is unbelievable. Studies show that 3.3 million people make a post on Facebook every 60 seconds. More than 20 million messages are sent through WhatsApp.

Based on these facts, Singapore digital marketers need to come up with new ways of conveying the message to the consumers using these applications. To drive this point home, take for example Rolex. Despite the fact that the company has been in business for 112 years, it keeps its brand fresh by using crispy clear and appealing product images as well as videos.

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High Demand for Transparency

In the currently highly digitalized world, consumers are keen on knowing the full details of the companies that they purchase products from or interact with. If you are to succeed in getting loyal customers, to need to maintain a high level of transparency and demonstrate your personality online. For instance, consumers need to know the specific ingredients used to make a particular food product before making the purchase.

Reports by Label showed that only 12% of customers trust brands based on product packaging and always search for additional information elsewhere. The study also indicated that 67% of consumers are of the idea that it is the mandate of the brand to provide them with accurate information about their products.

Companies at are transparent and communicate openly with prospects are rewarded with loyalty. 94% of consumers can stick with such brands and 73% claim that they would be willing to pay more for their services or products.

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Digital Foster Intimacy

There is a lot of information that companies can gather about potential consumers based on analytical data. The most successful companies have put in place systems that help them to collect this data. They later use it to come up with personalized messages, which appeal to not only the seniors but also the millennials.

One of the driving motivators among the young generation is perception and social goings-on. 85% of customers are more likely to spend money on a particular product is the marketing message is personalized and supported by social.

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Digital Has Made Brands More Human

Social media marketing should be at the core of every company digital marketing strategy. The consumers need to trust and connect with the company at a deeper level if they are to buy your product.

Apple is one of the few companies that successful conduct brand awareness campaigns by leveraging digital technologies. They live stream events such as product launches to connect with the customers. This move helps the consumers to feel like they are an essential part of the company. On the other hand, the company is guaranteed an attentive and committed audience.

New Breed of Savvy Influencers

Thanks to social media and video sharing platforms such as YouTube, regular people can now become incredible brand influencers. Businesses no longer need to spend thousands of dollars hiring celebrities to endorse their products. They can achieve the same objective by hiring a professional, dedicated, and committed social media influencer. For example, Coca-Cola now employs influencers to host events and programs on its YouTube channel, Coke TV.

Indeed, if a business wants to be successful now and in the future, it has to come up with strategy digital marketing strategy. More importantly, it has to stay abreast of evolving platforms and technology as well as invest in digital talent. Proper implementation of digital marketing strategies will help companies to surge ahead of your competitors.

About the Author

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Tom Koh

Tom is the CEO and Principal Consultant of MediaOne, a leading digital marketing agency. He has consulted for MNCs like Canon, Maybank, Capitaland, SingTel, ST Engineering, WWF, Cambridge University, as well as Government organisations like Enterprise Singapore, Ministry of Law, National Galleries, NTUC, e2i, SingHealth. His articles are published and referenced in CNA, Straits Times, MoneyFM, Financial Times, Yahoo! Finance, Hubspot, Zendesk, CIO Advisor.

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